Official Hockey discussion thread

So reading up on some NHL news. Malkin's and Ovechkin's names are being thrown around as possible MVP's. I think Ovie should get it IF the Caps make the playoffs, as for Malkin, that's a tough call since Conklin's play was just as if not more instrumental in keeping the Pens in the running for division and conference lead. It's weird seeing the Pens leading the conference. I feel the Senators and Devils have more solid teams. I still see the Pens as growing which is why it is great and scary to see them in first. If this young team is leading the conference already can you imagine the next say... 4 seasons? DAMN! I for one hope they keep the lead AND that the Caps make it in 8th because that would be a GREAT series! Crosby, Malkin and Fleury vs. Ovechkin, Federov and Huet... wow.
What makes Malkin such a candidate for the Hart is that he was able to step up and fill the hole Sidney Crosby left in the team.  That says something.  I expect, however, that AO will win the Hart - with the way he's been scoring, he deserves it.
That's what I mean though... Conklin was able to step his game up as well after being called from the minors; tough call. And I insist AO should get it only if the Caps make the playoffs which I have a feeling they will
Did you guys catch the Boston vs Toronto game last night?  Bruins lost 8:2.  This is the second time out of three games that Bruins got murdered.  (They lost to the Caps 10:2).  At the bar last night I've heard something that never happens -- Leaf fan cheers.  :D
yeah, during a scrum at the front of the net good ol' Nicklas Backstrom put the puck in his own net, Crosby was the last Pen to touch it so he got the credit :D
I just saw Pittsburgh beat Philly into submission! 7-1 both Sykora and Malkin had 4 points and Hossa had his first goal as a Pen. Something I noticed is people make a huge hoopla over the Hossa acquisition and how important Sykora (another acquisition from... Last season?) is, but nobody noticed the additions of Hal Gill and Sydor on D, they have been HUGE in improving the D. Not to mention watching the Pens dominate the Flyers was sheer joy, crisp passes, great scoring opportunities and well... 7 made it in :D God I love that team.

Another freaking scary team right now is Montreal. SI predicted them not making the playoffs and they are vying for 1st in the East... take THAT SI :p
Happy Birthday to the Stanley Cup.

From wiki:

Lord Stanley sent the following message to the victory celebration held on March 18, 1892 for the three-time champion Ottawa Hockey Club:[7][4][8]

    I have for some time been thinking that it would be a good thing if there were a challenge cup which should be held from year to year by the champion hockey team in the Dominion (of Canada).

    There does not appear to be any such outward sign of a championship at present, and considering the general interest which matches now elicit, and the importance of having the game played fairly and under rules generally recognized, I am willing to give a cup which shall be held from year to year by the winning team.

    I am not quite certain that the present regulations governing the arrangement of matches give entire satisfaction, and it would be worth considering whether they could not be arranged so that each team would play once at home and once at the place where their opponents hail from.[7]

Soon afterwards, Lord Stanley purchased a decorative bowl, forged in Sheffield, England by London silversmith G.R. Collis and Company (now Boodles and Dunthorne Jewelers), for ten guineas (ten and a half pounds sterling, or $48.67 USD at that time).

The Habs play the Blues.  I'd be seriously disappointed if they lose to the 2nd worst team.  Another interesting game should be the Pens vs Rangers.
The Habs have what hopes to be an easy week.  The Blues who are on a crappy long road trip, and then the Bruins twice, which the Habs have absolutely destroyed last few times they played.  We could use the 6 points.
In a perfect world, the pens would win the east and washington would make it in as the 8th seed so we could have the most exciting series since FDR could walk.
The Habs are in, baby!  Not that there was any doubt.

Has anyone noticed how, bit by bit, the Oilers have edged themselves into 9th place.  I remember not long ago when they were second to last.  They sure decided to play late.  They can still make it into the play-offs, but that largely depends on the Avalanche.  Wouldn't it be great if the only Canadian team not to make the play-offs are the Leafs?  :)
Powergirl81 said:
It seems like lost of teams do that: they beat the good teams when they need to, but then lose pretty bad to the crappy teams around playoff time when they could get easy wins. I recall the Wings doing that in the past.

Kudos to Mtl though, they've been good this year. LC, you're in your glory  :p

Yeah, like when Habs lost to St. Louis in a shootout.