Black Wizard
Pleb Hunter
Silly Arsenal. 

As far as I'm aware rematches don't happen.
That might be ok, but the rules of football are somewhat ambiguous so whatever happens a referee will always be criticized. Then if the ref blows for handball and checks on his smartphone he might see that there was no handball and the flow of the match will be distrupted.We have the technology that a ref can have a smartphone in his pocket, pull it out and see the review there, and then make a final decision after the whistle is blown - if he intends to blow the handball anyway.
That must have been awful. I hadn't heard of it before though. FIFA have done a good job of keeping it quiet.Totally agree with you, Wizard. I remember in the 1990's there was an experiment in some Youth World Cup, i don't remember which one, when FIFA implemented... timeouts. It was awful.