This is a good example of my students keeping me up to date. They asked me if I could play them the trailer for season 3 of Stranger Things. I had no idea it was even out. After watching it I thought... well shit, now I have to rewatch seasons 1 and 2 to be ready! Watched the first 2 episodes last night with my girlfriend. She's never seen it before and is HOOKED and I am even more excited than the first time I watched it.

Aside from that I'm watching the bio-series of Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz. A Mexican nun sometimes credited with being the first feminist. As a country we are very proud of her, she's on our $200 peso bill and used to be on our old $1,000 peso coins. It may sound like a demotion, but the 1000 peso coins are currently our $1 peso coins, long story.

Anyway, she's famous for her poetry and fighting the patriarchy/establishment. A lot of her life is filled with speculation, thus I don't know how accurate the show is, but at least it is nice to see a different interpretation than the one I've grown up with. Many documentaries potray her as head-strong, determined, singleminded, man-hating, etc. Rumors abound about her having been a lesbian and having affairs with the vicequeen. The show definitely shows her as headstrong, but it is more confidence than flat out defiance. They potray a human being with fears, doubts, confused, etc. It was th vicequeen that was... obssessed with her and it seems more like an abuse of power and molestation on her part than Sor Juana being a consenting partner. One thing is consistent. She wanted to study, read and write and the only way to do so was to become a nun. Very good series.
What? Why? It was by far the best new show of 2018, maybe even the best show altogether.
I know, many people felt that way, and I had very high expectations for it. I really wanted to like it, and it did start off well, but completely derailed from episode 4 onwards. Too many loose ends, plot holes, and poorly written dialogues. I swear, there were parts I felt like I was being read a fanfiction written by a 12 year old.

Joe was ridiculous. The show tried to portray him as a psychopath, but an actual psychopath would never mess up the way he did in the show. For example...

The urine in Peach's house. I mean, seriously, how dumb did he have to be to just forget it there? Not to mention that it took anyone FOUR EPISODES to bring it up again, and when they did, it was forgotten literally in a second.

Secondly, Beck's book about Dr. Nicky. Was it really given more importance than an actual police investigation? It's ridiculous, Joe was sloppy, and the police even sloppier. I think I've never seen him use a glove in the entire show. He should've been caught in the first half of the season already, plus he wasn't half as interesting a character as the show tried to portray him as (seriously, I couldn't watch more than one episode per day because of him; he just pissed me off, nothing else).

Thirdly, Peach. They just killed off the best-written (and most intriguing) character in the entire show mid-season, and my interest in it was cut in half after that. The show would've been so much better had it been focused on Peach's stalking abilities instead, or at least if she had been kept alive at least until the end of the season and her rivalry with Joe had been given more attention.

Needless to say, this is all my own opinion, of course.
About to watch the pilot episode of the Pretty Little Liars spin-off/sequel, The Perfectionists. Was aired yesterday. Previews were interesting, very similar in tone to the original series, and had me psyched. Let's see how it holds up.