My GF surprised me the other day by saying she wanted to watch The Godfather Trilogy. It suprised me, because I thought she would consider them too long (each movie is about 3 hours), too slow, boring ,etc. But she stuck it out even through the third installment. We paused the movies several times to talk about all the different mass migrations to the U.S, who came when, why, how well off they were financially or how desperate they were. The relationship between organized crime and their neighborhoods, politics and the church. The Cuban revolution, why it occured, the sad aftermath and the repurcussions felt to this day.
We all know how good Part I and Part II are, but I don't understand the hate for the Part III. Sure it isn't as great as its predecessors, but it isn't a BAD film in any way. I think the Godfather Part III suffered the way the Star Wars Prequels suffered. It came out 10 years after Part II, Michael is old and weak, Everyone we loved from the first two are dead or not brought back for whatever reason. The new characters are not charismatic enough for us too care. Andy Garcia does a very poor James Caan as Sonny impression. Joe Magneta isn't menacing enough as the new upstart. Suprisingly, for all the crap Sophia Coppola has gotten for her role, she wasn't THAT bad and really not what was wrong with the movie.
The original Star Wars was high fantasy and adventure, a fun ride. The Phantom Menace? An economic blocade by the Trade Federation. The Godfather Part I is Michael going from Anakin to Darth Vader in 3 hours in spectacular fashion. Part II is a prequel and sequel IN ONE! Part III? Oh, we're doing a shady business deal with the Catholic Church for a furniture company.... how.... not compelling. I think the last act of the movie encapsulates exactly what it is. We see them attend Michael's son first Opera and much like with the baptism in the first movie, all the killing happens during the Opera. Opera is over the top, very dramatic, takes itself too seriously, and that is what Part III did. Still a good movie, far from a masterpiece, but not the disaster people make it out to be.
Simply an amazing Trilogy. Incredibly structured and thought out (except for the oranges lol), how each film starts with a party, when everyone kisses Brando's hand, then Michael's, then Vincent's, the soundtrack, etc. Also, for the first time the movies LOOKED old to me, they've aged. The make up, Brando's prosthetics, the cinematography, which I thought elegant and classic as a kid, now look... well... old.