Saw MacGruber again the other day. One of my favorite comedies ever. Pretty much every scene is hilarious, but these are the best.

And gotta add this one:
5 episodes into Fear The Walking Dead Season 4, and
John Dorie is the best character in the show, maybe even including the main show.
I used to be like that, but man...I just don't have time anymore. If a show starts getting really tedious I'll drop it, unless I know for sure that it's in its last season.
I don't know if I'll manage the next TWD season. I can't see where they can take it next without coming up with an unconvincing 'bigger and better' baddie. I dearly wanted to see Negan get trounced, though, so I had to watch the last season. I'd like to see something substantial change about the way the walker disease works, maybe, or all the communities get broken up so they all have to go back to basics and survive without guns, farming and home comforts.
My biggest problem with Walking Dead is that it has just become a series of "walk until we find a community that eventually has a bad guy". It's boring.
It's always been a problem with the show and the comics that they rarely focus on planning or small day-to-day stuff. And characters never seemed to have a talk in one big group on what stuff to do to reduce the chances of getting bit. Like covering exposed skin, wearing more leather stuff, always moving in groups, always shooting with silencers etc. They only seem to care about ammo and food. At least the Kangdom people had armor and stuff.

Most of the plot is about killing/not killing the living and/or the main villain, debating on who's supposed to lead and "this isn't you", "this is the way things are right now", "we have to move forward, before is before" etc.
Saw Deadpool 2. Didn't like it. I know it's more of a comedy than anything else, but I felt the jokes were more "lel so random" than truly funny. CGI was also pretty bad. First movie also had cooler fight scenes.

Or I might just be grumpy because people who sat around me ate gross smelly nacho chips with salsa and I had to cover my nose throughout most of the movie <_< Salsa should be forbidden, grossest smell ever. Or at least salsa made in this cinema.
Deadpool 2 was more violent than the first but also had more emotional scenes as well. I enjoyed it's humor but don't know if it was better than the first one.

Loved Domino
Domino was wonderful! But Cable was the real surprise for me. He was really, very good, way beyond my expectations. Josh Brolin's performance was amazing.
Finished Babylon Berlin. 1st season was average, 2nd season was way more adventurous and interesting. I wonder how it's gonna line up with real life events in that time period, wouldn't be surprised if
good guys turn to nazis later on.

Looking forward to the 3rd season, should be out in 2019.
Is anyone watching season 2 of The Handmaid's Tale? The latest episode was probably the best so far, and the cliffhanger...! Argh!
I am watching and I agree.

I'm now really interested to see who Commander Glenn is considering two of his Handmaids made major ruckus multiple times. Wouldn't be surprised if he was a Mayday leader or something.
I was thinking the exact same thing! There must be something going on in that house. Also,
I wonder if Nick has something to do with the assault. His request for a transfer was very "timely", but on the other hand, Price is most likely dead, so he can't transfer him.