Black Mirror Season 3 - recomendable to everyone! No matter what your tastes are, I guess you will find one of those 6 episodes more than enjoyable. I've been waiting for this one since they anounced Amazon takes over, and to be honest I was a little sceptic. First 2 seasons and Christmas special (White Christmas) were a lot apart so when they announce they'll be releasing 13 new episodes I was afraid that quality may drop, but luckily - I was wrong.

Personal favourite of that season - S03E04 San Junipero - that episode has one of the most hypnotic/relaxing atmospheres ever!

On movies front I would recomend Captain Fantastic - black comedy/drama starring Viggo Mortensen about a family marching at the beat of their own drum in 21 century.
Watching it as well. Next one is S03E03. It is very creepy/scary, I think. Cruel at times, and also uncomforting realistic/futuristic.
I wasn't, no. I've seen a reconstruction in a documentary and I'm surprised they found enough material for a film. Do they mention the role of the computer in landing the plane? :p
Just read about a movie i saw on TV as a kid called "...And Your Name Is Jonah" about a boy misdiagnosed as mentally deficient but turns out, is actually deaf. I remember him being scared of Spider-Man. 1 day his mother smells something bad and finds Jonah's Spider-Man action figure in the oven. Later, once he is properly diagnosed & treated, he learns to read and then likes Spidey
Fab. I just hope they've made a good job of it and don't try to make it a cheap shocker as a contrast to the backstory-heavy films.
Fantastic Beasts:
Great movie. Visually it was awesome as expected. It didn't force HP references at all, everything felt quite natural. Story was very interesting and (at least IMO) not predictable. It balanced the dark aspects and humor quite well too...

...but Eddie Redmayne is really really annoying. His voice is annoying. His facial expressions are annoying. I heard he won't be the lead in all the planned movies and that makes me really happy.

Biggest fault of this movie though: Colin Farrell is one of my favorite actors. He was badass in this movie. Only for his character to turn into friggin' Johnny Depp. Urgh. I'm fed up with him playing a weirdo in every movie, it's boring and distracting. I hope Graves was just kidnapped like Moody in the HP movies and makes a return for the sequels. Would be a giant waste otherwise.
I liked it. Was the perfect way to make a new story with unrelated characters in an existing universe (Star Wars take notes).

I think most people share your opinion on Farrell and since JK Rowling likes to be a crowd pleasure, something similar to what you described is likely imo.
Speaking of Star Wars, got the ticket for Rogue One on December 14. Avoided all the trailers apart from the first one. Although I've seen that one pic everyone shares everywhere <_<
Just been watching Jurassic World on TV and it's reminded me exactly why I don't watch many centre-mainstream Hollywood films.

Cliches so far include:
  • childless career woman who is cold and unemotional
  • man of African origin who is at one with nature
  • incapable and easily flustered British assistant
  • children on the verge of going delinquent because parents are considering divorce
  • low wage employees that nobody cares about become dino fodder
  • people to blame for all of this are foreign and aren't white*
  • *except for shady government(?) employee who sees weapons potential in dinosaurs
Also interested as to why they used heat sensors to detect if a (cold blooded) dinosaur is still in its enclosure. I'm not going to bother with the rest because the ending is likely to be very predictable.

The T-rex hybrid is almost certainly going to get killed by the gigantic marine dinosaur
Yesterday and today I watched the first four episodes of Gilmore Girls. Wow.

Just... wow. And not just because Lorelai Gilmore is the Perfect Woman #2 (after my wife, of course) and I've got this huge crush on her, but because it's the first series since I don't know when that's so enjoyable I could actually binge-watch it in large quantities. Seriously, those 45 minutes are gone in, like, ten.

Yeah, and I started listening to Chicago again today, after a long, seven-or-so-year-long hiatus. Keep it coming, folks, I can take it, the mockery and the pity. :D
I watched a few episodes of New Girl and wasn't enjoying it. Does it get better?
It's more of an ensemble in later seasons, thus it's much better. It's mostly consistent in tone so I doubt you'd enjoy the later stuff if you didn't like the beginning.
Yea the humor fell flat for me, but I liked the characters.
So Universal is trying to start their own Cinematic Universe with their Monsters starting with The Mummy reboot starring Tom Cruise. I am not used to hearing Tom scream like a wimp:
