I'm watching Sherlock in my pc through Netflix, I'm about to end the 2nd chapter of the 2nd season and so far I've liked it a lot, awesome series.

The second season is so much better than the first, isn't it? I was really iffy on it when I saw A Study in Pink, but this season has completely won me over. Especially the third chapter.
I think that they developed Sherlock's character for the better in the second season and that's why it is so good, yet I did like the first season.

Agreed. The only thing I didn't like about the second season was the way they portrayed Irene Adler. I mean, she was great and all, but I didn't like how she was foiled by Sherlock because she fell in love with him and how he ended up making her beg and later saving her butt. I wish they made her a more independent character like she was in A Scandal in Bohemia. Other than that little gripe, though, the season was incredible.

Post a review of the final episode when you finish it! :)
Saw two movies, one is a german one called Soul Kitchen, pretty different from the usual USA comedy, I liked it. The soundtrack is awesome. The another one was "Matando Cabos" a mexican movie that is hilarious, but I don't know if foreigners like mexican comedies like "La Ley de Herodes", so I don't recommend it except if you do like mexican comedy or if you are curious about mexican comedies.
You should specify, "modern" Mexican comedies. Todo El Poder, Por la Libre and La Ley de Herodes, are very different from Classic Mexican comedies from the likes of Tin Tan, Cantinflas, Capulina, etc.
Everyone needs to see this documentary when they've got small 50-ish minutes. One of the better ones I can remember watching recently :)

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of Botton, and some of its residents have been there since the beginning. Co-workers, too, opt into a long-term commitment to share their homes and their lives with up to eight adults with special needs; it's certainly not a lifestyle for the intolerant or impatient.
While the community appears to have been a success, it has also been controversial among some social work professionals who believe that people with learning difficulties do better when integrated into the wider community.
The moving, tender and sometimes funny film charts the day-to-day life of this remarkable place and the people who live there. And it follows long-term resident Barry as he decides to leave the community and re-enter the 'real world'; but can he cope with the harsh reality of life away from Botton?

I watched Eastwood's Bird with Forest Whitaker. Forostar & Mosh if you haven't seen it, do it please :)

Parker & Gillespie

It's a bio film of Charlie Parker, and as you can guess it's full of jazz standards such as Ornithology (kind of central theme in the film), April in Paris, All of Me & more.
I saw plenty of things that I wasn't aware of, for instance the fact that Parker was very famous & recognised during his life or that Bebop was kind of banned music back then, that makes me want to do a deeper research about the history of the genre. It's hinted though, that before Charlie's death, Bebop started to faint. (I'd also like to check how exactly is connected with the beat writers like Ginsberg, Burroughs & Kerouac)

Back to film, I'd say this movie is a typical Eastwood one, this said, the background of some scenes is sometimes exaggerated /kitsch and there are a few errors here & there, but as it usually happens in his films, in the end you forget all these, you enjoy the great performances and you have a good time. Highly enjoyable, especially for people who may like jazz.

What a coincidence. Last week I wanted to borrow Bird in the city library! But unfortunately someone has it and that person should have brought it back in December.
That's a great movie. I've only seen it once but I'm trying to get a hold of it again.

One of my favorite scenes was when he was playing at some Jewish party and goes off from playing Jewish music to his high speed bop licks. :D
Just finished watching this Louis Theroux documentary about Indian gurus and westerners seeking enlightenment there. Love him or hate him, Theroux usually asks some pretty good questions, just straight to the point questions, like a 5 year old would :D There's a bunch of other really good documentaries on his channel too.

I like his documentaries, I watched the porn one, the neoNazi on, and the prison one so far.

I have been on a Monk marathon this weekend ... such a good show.
I like his documentaries, I watched the porn one, the neoNazi on, and the prison one so far.

I have been on a Monk marathon this weekend ... such a good show.

I've watched all of those too yeah. I like prison documentaries a lot for some reason. I saw an excellent one last week. It is very rough though but VERY interesting story:

Anatomy of a Prison Murder examines the culture of institutional violence through the events that led to one burtal prison murder. Utah State Prison surveillance cameras capture this disturbing real-life account of the vicious stabbing of black inmate Lonnie Blackmon by convicted murderer, white supremacist Troy Kell and his accomplice Eric Daniels.
Watched this today. it might also be interesting for the Canadian members here who might have heard about this story? It is a documentary about this guy: and follows the interrogations and confession "From his initial denial to the full declaration of guilt, the fifth estate deciphers one of the most compelling and distressing confessions in Canadian criminal history with the help of people who know the art of interrogation better than anyone else. For many months, the fifth estate has been following the story of Russell Williams and now is able to piece it together from the early clues to the final confession"

Yeah, that guy is a fucking asshole. I'm glad that trial is over. It's extremely unlikely Williams will ever see the light of day again.

For non-Canadians, The Fifth Estate is Canada's #1 investigative journalism show. They've done career-ending exposes and crippled governments. It's really an incredible program.