I finally watched The Social Network. I think it's power has nothing to do with Facebook. It's about business and friendship with a layer of entitlement and class warfare thrown in for good measure.
Well-acted and well-paced. I quite enjoyed it.
Also saw The Descendants on this rainy weekend. Family dramas aren't typically my cup of tea, but it never went over the top. Clooney and the girl who played his daughter were excellent.
On a lighter note, Community (been watching season one on Netflix) is frickin' hilarious.
Community is great, I would actually say season 1 is by far their poorest effort (though still really good). It gets a lot better from there.
Good to hear. I found season one took a while to get going, but by the time they were playing paintball my sides were starting to hurt.
Buñuel hey? Nice. This year I saw two of his films, both with crazy endings. :)

Le Journal d'une femme de chambre (Diary of a Chambermaid, 1964), made after the one you saw, starring Jeanne Moreau as a chambermaid who uses her feminine charms to control and advance her situation, in a social setting of corruption, violence, sexual obsession and perversion. This film is less surrealistic than most of his other work.

Cet obscur objet du désir (That Obscure Object of Desire, 1977), his last film. Set in Spain and France against the backdrop of a terrorist insurgency, the film tells the story of an aging Frenchman who falls in love with a young woman who repeatedly frustrates his romantic and sexual desires.

My wife saw five more films.
and his first film Un chien andalou(1929), a short film made with Salvador Dali. All recommendable, but I bet all of his work should be interesting in a way, because it's so recognizable.

I just saw yesterday another of his mexican films, Los Olvidados, "The forgotten". Again, a good, good film. It tells the story of the lifes of mexican street boys in the capital, with 2 main protagonists, El Jaibo, a teenager who just escaped the correctional and is a very bad, bad person; and Pedro, a kid who isn't loved by his mother but haves a good heart. El Jaibo one day forces Pedro to take him where the guy who supposedly gave him to the cops works, and accidentaly kills him in his rage, so both Pedro and El Jaibo have their destinies tied together. The film is a mix of italian neorrealism, like Cinema Paradiso, with Les Miserables and with the touch of Buñuel's surrealism. The film also haves a lot of psychological and sociological depth, as it haves concepts as Edipo's Complex, sexuality, Death, the desires and what makes a person have a conflict with his desires, and the situations of the poorest of the poor in Mexico in those times. Also it's one of the 2 movies that is said by the UNESCO to be World Heritage. Highly, highly recommend it.
I've been interested on Muhammad Ali's life & boxing lately, so I read some wikipedia articles & other stuff on net, watched some of his most important fights on youtube, even followed the story of his rivals in a similar way. Finally I watched two films, the well known Ali with Will Smith, which I didn't like so much and the very good When We Were Kings, a kind of documentary which focuses in the Rumble in the Jungle fight with George Foreman, when Ali became the Heavy Weight Champion for 2nd time.

While maybe not his most difficult or impressive fight, Rumble in the Jungle, is in my opinion where Ali demonstrated most clearly his genius, by beating a much younger and superior fighter. The way that he built up the ambience, the way he cheated everybody about his tactics prior the fight (everybody thought he would dance), his infamous Rope-a Dope technique and many other interested stuff are very well documented and explained in this documentary. Really a brilliant watch
Oh yeah. Definitely made me want to watch the rest, as it was the first episode I saw. Very enjoyable series. I think, from a nerdy perspective, it's a lot better than The Big Bang Theory - which I still enjoy, but I find that with Community the hobbies and things they get into are considered acceptable, whereas we look at the characters in TBBT from Penny's perspective too often.
The D&D was was great, one of their better ones for sure. It is unfortunate that this upcoming season will probably be the last. Looks like Chevy Chase left the show, though it seems like he had already taped most of them. Add that to Harmon leaving/being fired, it will be interesting to see how this season looks

The show deserved better ratings and a longer life.
They gave Chase what he wanted in terms of getting rid of Harmon, and he's leaving anyway. Awesome.
I like quite a bit of Chase's work, SNL, Communitity, Caddyshack, the Vacation movies (except the last one) and some of his other films, but the guy is a Class A dick
Second season finale of Homeland was stunning. Having to wait almost 10 months for season 3 is so frustrating though :(
Now watching: "Let it Be" A Beatles documentary that follows them while working on the "Let it Be" album, their last. Some really great footage here of McCartney and Lennon. Tensions were pretty high in the band around this time and they would break up just a short while after, which doesn't make the film any less interesting!

Worth a watch if you are into music at all ;)

edited post with a better link
3 episodes of Fringe left .. such a teriffic show. It is sad to see it end, but it is cool Fox gave them a chance to wrap up the show and that so far this season, they have really knocked it out of the park.