Watched Skyfall last night. What an incredibly entertaining movie! Very refreshing after the pile of crap that was Quantum of Solace. It also proved that there is definitely nothing new under the sun as it seemed a mix of Bond, Lethal Weapon and Home Alone. I was waiting for Danny Glover to show up and say, "He's too old for this shit!" followed by Joe Pesci trying to break into Skyfall and getting his head torched or hit by a paint can lol.

I had mixed feelings about all the references to how old his is, after two of them WE GET IT, and the "oh you youngin's and your hiping and your hopping, don't know nothing 'bout the jazz music," vs. "whatever grumpy grandpa!" got real old real quick. At the same time if there is something Craig's Bond has maintained throughout his three movies is the grit, the down and dirty, human bond with flaws and that we really don't know if he'll save the day.

While the references and easter eggs are cute, this new bond needs to do just that, be new, instead of relaying on all the references from the past. Though the *wink wink, nod nod* to Sean Connery was pretty cool.
I will admit some things in the new movie made me stupidly happy.

"What did you expect, 007, an exploding pen?" The DB-5 made me grin too.
Watched Argo & Lincoln yesterday in the plane.
Argo. Ok movie, the director obviously talented -turning a mediocre story to something well, somehow interesting, but ..seriously?? This is supposed to be the best 2012 movie?? Com'on!! Very good photography, costumes, cinematography, but nothing outstanding really..

Lincoln, I liked it a bit more, it was more like a piece of theatre than a movie, but some good performances & some historic learning stuff, at least. Interesting that Spielberg dared to make a movie like this (not the most commercial attempt he could take)
And he has a really interesting apartment (and war memorabilia collection) I have to say :D For sure no fancy rock star mansion or country house :p
Lincoln, I liked it a bit more, it was more like a piece of theatre than a movie...

So historically accurate? Gun shot and all? :p

I watched Identity Thief with the GF last night. It's an ok movie. Yet another rehash of Planes, Trains and Automobiles (like Due Date), but it has some decent laughs. I have mixed feelings about the movie as it makes the thief a likable, sympathetic character when the truth of the matter is, most identity thieves are just that, thieves, manipulators and liars, to be honest, not worth my sympathy. But it works and for the sake of the movie I too was all like, "Awww."
I watched Eastwood's Bird with Forest Whitaker. Forostar & Mosh if you haven't seen it, do it please :)

Parker & Gillespie

It's a bio film of Charlie Parker, and as you can guess it's full of jazz standards such as Ornithology (kind of central theme in the film), April in Paris, All of Me & more.
I saw plenty of things that I wasn't aware of, for instance the fact that Parker was very famous & recognised during his life or that Bebop was kind of banned music back then, that makes me want to do a deeper research about the history of the genre. It's hinted though, that before Charlie's death, Bebop started to faint. (I'd also like to check how exactly is connected with the beat writers like Ginsberg, Burroughs & Kerouac)

Back to film, I'd say this movie is a typical Eastwood one, this said, the background of some scenes is sometimes exaggerated /kitsch and there are a few errors here & there, but as it usually happens in his films, in the end you forget all these, you enjoy the great performances and you have a good time. Highly enjoyable, especially for people who may like jazz.

Very impressive film. Naturally, a big aspect itself was the intense (and unhealthy) life Parker lived. But it was portrayed very well by the cast too.

I don't know if it's a typical Eastwood film. Not sure what that is. ;-) To his criticasters I say: this man is variety himself. He made lots of different films that came out well.

But coming back to this film: I loved it. Thanks for sharing it no_5!
Pleasure!! Glad you like it :)
My favourite moment was when he "stole" the sax of that other guy and start running while playing! Awesome!!
I just watched Not Without My Daughter. I would like to say that I think it is an awfully racist movie, but I'm not sure how much of it is simply ignorance rather than malevolence.
I watched the first episode of Bates Motel on A&E. It was surprisingly good. It shows Norman at 17 with his mother. Though it is a prequel of sorts, the show takes place "today"
Just watched Training Day (2001) directed by Antoine Fuqua and starring Denzel Washington and Ethan Hawke. A really good movie, it is not my favourite kind of setting, but I must admit that I always get drawn into it anyway. I also like the more recent Brooklyn's Finest by the same director, and with Richard Gere making the best performance of his chareer as the protagonist.
I'd like to share another documentary with you that I recently watched. Very interesting and tense! That journalist really put his life at risk big time by doing it but great footage came out of it.

^I think I might have seen that one before. Doesn't he stay with some blokes in the back of beyond who knew very, very little about the outside world, and weren't nearly as political or extremist as anyone might have guessed?

Anyway, I'm watching Kill Bill Vol.2 tonight. Chick flick for a change ;)
He meets fighters from the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and a young boy of about 15, soon to to be suicide bomber. He also visits the locals in small villages, a woman's workshop and other things. Definitely give it a watch again, it is a quick watch, 50 min and it will keep you on your seat. I think he is lucky to leave with his head still on his shoulders, at least he puts himself at great risk :confused:
Argo — well-done, but surprised it was picked best film.
Life of Pi — excellent, arresting visuals and thought-provoking. Curious what our resident atheists and agnostics think.