Well, the Wayans brothers are going to make their usual "scary movie" spoof and I did hear about the Latino version. Don't know if I'll watch them in theaters, but I'll get to them eventually. Last night I saw the Total Recall remake and it was fucking awesome! If only all remakes could be this good. I can't say it is "better" than the Arnie version, but it was very satisfying. I felt like I was watching I, Robot with a good blend of Minority Report, The Matrix and the 5th Element. Not to mention watching Bill Nighy the Science Guy was pretty cool.

Going back to something LC said in the Now reading thread. The movie mainly reminded me of Calderon de la Barca's 16th century work, La Vida es Sueno" (Life is a Dream), in which memories, what is real, what is a dream, free will vs predestination all gets discussed. Again, rockin' film.
I just watched some movies, first Taken 2. Standard action film, entertaining. Then I watched the intouchables, awesome movie, I recommend it. And I saw a movie called Sleuth, with Michael Cayne and Jude Law, I liked it besides the bad reviews, very well constructed script and the way they represent things with the photography.
FACEBOOK is getting more popular, NOT the man who stole it, AHEM, invented it. the Cult of Steve Jobs is different as he was not only the brain, but also the face of Apple's make-0ver. Zuckerberg doesn't have quarterly speeches of the new things on facebook and every change that is made is loathed by millions, who instead of cancelling their accounts in protest, simply update their status to 'i hate this new change." It was a well acted, interesting movie, but like I said, instantly forgettable.
I still have not seen the film, so I don't hope you mind I respond again. But in advance, I wonder if you:

- really think that facebook (social networking) is also a product of its time (and gone within 5 years and thus this film as well), or not,

and/or if:

- you agree with me that your rather negative opinion on facebook could have been in the way of judging if this picture is a child of it's time and/or forgettable, or not.

No offense, just throwing my 2 cents on the table.
I still have not seen the film, so I don't hope you mind I respond again. But in advance, I wonder if you:

- really think that facebook (social networking) is also a product of its time (and gone within 5 years and thus this film as well), or not,

and/or if:

- you agree with me that your rather negative opinion on facebook could have been in the way of judging if this picture is a child of it's time and/or forgettable, or not.

No offense, just throwing my 2 cents on the table.

I'm not offended. Facebook won't disappear, hell Friendster and Myspace are still around, now we just have Twitter and Facebook at the forefront. Remember when People used Yahoo! for everything? Now it's Google? Social Networking won't go away, people will just migrate. That's another thing that bothers me about the movie, Facebook did not invent social networking, another reason it's kinda meh. The movie that is.

I don't have a negative opinion of Facebook. Facebook is what the user makes of it. Most of my "friends" post metal/music related stuff, funny ass pictures and interesting articles... no different from here. I do, howeveer, have a negative opinion of the movie lol. Just found out Dinsey bought the star wars franchise...

YEEEEEEES, YEEEEEEES! I don't know why people are bitching about this before any plans for the story are revealed. George Lucas NOT in charge of the next movies is the best thing that could've happened to this franchise. I'm not exactly dying to see Episodes 7-9, but if done well and Lucas doesn't direct I'm all for it.

I saw the Exorcist a couple of nights ago at the historic theater down town. Fucking... Awesome. After almost 40 years it still has it. There were parts in the movie where people laughed as a lot of it has lost it's shock value after so many decades and gorier films, but when it really gets going the entire theater went silent. No one laughed, not a sound. Fantastic film.
Just saw Operation Skyfall, I liked it more than Casino Royale. Better story, better locations and better feeling of the flowing of the story. Just didn't like that they made the Wikileaks and Anonymous guys look like the bad guys in a subtle manner. But see it, it's worth it. Oh and I loved watching the Hobbit trailer in the big screen.
Much better than Quantum of Solace (what a disapointment that movie was) ... I liked it a tad better than Casino Royale. The ending of Skyfall is interesting as the pretty much set up future movies to the point of
the first few movies, back with a male "M" in pretty much the same old office, Q, and Moneypenny is back .. but with a tan :) ... it is interesting that the pretty much reset the series back to Dr. No ... it will be cool to see where they go from here.
Just saw Argo... Also a very good movie by Ben Affleck. They trick the audience with some time management to make tension in a very well done manner.
Spent Sunday watching The Men Who Built America marathon on the History Channel. What a brilliant series. If there is one thing I learned is that the worst thing you can give your child is an actual childhood LOL. That and to make big bucks you have to be an asshole. Proved my hunch that assholes make the world go round.

If you can Netflix/rent it I highly recommend it. The series focuses on the old school capitalists Vanderbuilt, Rockerfeller, Carnegie and J.P Morgan. It ends with the "new school" business man with Ford and those like him. Essentially Rockerfeller, Carnegie and Morgan made their money by exploiting their workers with long hours and crappy pay to maximize profits while Ford perfected the assembly line, innovated the livable wage and standardized the work week into eight hour days, five days a week. Great show. I wish they made one of the modern magnates like Trump, Gates, Jobs, Turner, etc.
Spent Sunday watching The Men Who Built America marathon on the History Channel. What a brilliant series. If there is one thing I learned is that the worst thing you can give your child is an actual childhood LOL. That and to make big bucks you have to be an asshole. Proved my hunch that assholes make the world go round.

If you can Netflix/rent it I highly recommend it. The series focuses on the old school capitalists Vanderbuilt, Rockerfeller, Carnegie and J.P Morgan. It ends with the "new school" business man with Ford and those like him. Essentially Rockerfeller, Carnegie and Morgan made their money by exploiting their workers with long hours and crappy pay to maximize profits while Ford perfected the assembly line, innovated the livable wage and standardized the work week into eight hour days, five days a week. Great show. I wish they made one of the modern magnates like Trump, Gates, Jobs, Turner, etc.

I saw a preview of this, it looked really good. Thanks for the info, I want to watch it

They have another 12 hour series called Mankind: The History of All of Us.

I want to check that out as well.

It is nice when the History Channel actually does history instead of Ice Road Truckers and all the alien crap they have been airing. I will give Pawn Stars a bit of a pass, because it can be interesting when they do not focus too much on the morons running the place.
I saw a preview of this, it looked really good. Thanks for the info, I want to watch it

They have another 12 hour series called Mankind: The History of All of Us.

I want to check that out as well.

Oh I know! It premieres tonight, can't wait :)

It is nice when the History Channel actually does history instead of Ice Road Truckers and all the alien crap they have been airing. I will give Pawn Stars a bit of a pass, because it can be interesting when they do not focus too much on the morons running the place.

Ugh, tell me about it. When they do pieces like America: The Story of Us, the aforementioned documentary or this new one, it is still what they do best. Of their reality shows, Pawn Stars and American Restoration are the only ones I watch, because of the cool pieces that make it on the shows.
I love Pawn Stars. Even went to the shop in Vegas. It was cool to see once but I don't care to go back, and it looks completely different in real life. Just the way everything is situated.
Last week I saw a classic of mexican film history, "El ángel exterminador", The Exterminating Angel, by Luis Buñuel. Such a good, good film. The story is about a group of mexican burgeois that are in a party in a living room of a mansion. They stay to sleep and the next day, by some mysterious force they can't leave the room, and no one from the exterior can enter the mansion also. They stay like that for like 2 weeks. I highly recommend it.
I watched Dark Shadows and The Amazing Spider-Man today.

Dark Shadows is supposed to be an updating of the classic soap opera/dark comedy. It fails in almost every manner. It turns out it is incredibly difficult to compress an entire series's story arc into one movie. The direction was, at times, extremely lazy - Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham-Carter, and Danny Elfman have gotten too comfortable working together, and need to go separate ways, I think. It really felt like everyone, except Eva Green, was phoning this one in.

The Amazing Spider-Man has serious pacing problems. Like, really serious. They compress a lot into about 40 minutes. I like the kid they got to play Peter Parker, and I enjoyed the latter half of the movie. The action scenes were extremely well-written, and the apex was good. Rhys Ifans was great, but still, this isn't a particularly good movie. It's still better than Spiderman 2 and Spiderman 3.
Last week I saw a classic of mexican film history, "El ángel exterminador", The Exterminating Angel, by Luis Buñuel. Such a good, good film. The story is about a group of mexican burgeois that are in a party in a living room of a mansion. They stay to sleep and the next day, by some mysterious force they can't leave the room, and no one from the exterior can enter the mansion also. They stay like that for like 2 weeks. I highly recommend it.
Buñuel hey? Nice. This year I saw two of his films, both with crazy endings. :)

Le Journal d'une femme de chambre (Diary of a Chambermaid, 1964), made after the one you saw, starring Jeanne Moreau as a chambermaid who uses her feminine charms to control and advance her situation, in a social setting of corruption, violence, sexual obsession and perversion. This film is less surrealistic than most of his other work.

Cet obscur objet du désir (That Obscure Object of Desire, 1977), his last film. Set in Spain and France against the backdrop of a terrorist insurgency, the film tells the story of an aging Frenchman who falls in love with a young woman who repeatedly frustrates his romantic and sexual desires.

My wife saw five more films.
and his first film Un chien andalou (1929), a short film made with Salvador Dali. All recommendable, but I bet all of his work should be interesting in a way, because it's so recognizable.