lol no problem, someone linked me it this morning and it was just a WTF moment, had to be shared!

The crotch first into a lamppost with enough force to dismount 2 horses without even flinching was just.... there aren't words to describe how bad some plots are :P
My favorite (besides the ending) is when he has the horse drop to its side so they can slide UNDER the truck, really? I mean REALLY? hahahaha
Every single thing that happens seems to make cars jump and horses fall. Throws a pipe into the engine, car jumps up in the air as if going over a ramp.... Bikes jumping and launching people hundred feet in the air, cars jumping over other cars... like the one just after the horse slide? Every time a car comes near another car it seems to miraculously launch just high enough to go over :p

Throughout it all he's still wearing those damn handcuffs too, and despite all these cars chasing him.. the only time he stops in some sort of panic is when 10 people slowly form a circle :p

Going from the related videos...

Also... OMG.
The original video I got from a gaming forum (no idea why it was there though) and it appears to be providing more WTF videos.

There's just something about indian cinema... and I thought B-Movies made by 'the asylum' were bad >.>

Some sort of Matrix/Terminator crossover...
Seen The Amazing Spider-Man today.
Decided to check out Spider-Man (the one with Tobey Maguire), before seeing the new one, to compare, and the new one is much, much better.
I didn't really like Tobey as Spider-Man, he had some cool moments, but was very annoying most of the time.
Garfield on the other hand is much more likeable.
Also, The Lizard is a much more developed character than Green Goblin.
IMO Gwen Stacy/Emma Stone is much stronger than MJ Watson/Kirsten Dunst (who always gets into trouble and can't defend herself).
The Hobbit will get its third film :O I think it's kinda funny that they are making three movies from The Hobbit, which is shorter than any of 3 LOTR books.
From what I heard, originally it was going to be two films to put in as much as possible from The Hobbit proper, the third film is from notes to a sequel that was supposed to bridge The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, but never got published.
Just watched 21 Jump Street (the recent movie with Jonah Hill, not the old TV show on which it is based). I had pretty low expectations, but ended up laughing my ass off. So did my wife. A very clever and well done comedy/action/buddy flick. Strongly recommended.
Just watched 21 Jump Street (the recent movie with Jonah Hill, not the old TV show on which it is based). I had pretty low expectations, but ended up laughing my ass off. So did my wife. A very clever and well done comedy/action/buddy flick. Strongly recommended.

I'll second this, it was far better than I was expecting and had some incredibly funny moments and cool cameos.
I'll second this, it was far better than I was expecting and had some incredibly funny moments and cool cameos.

I felt the same, I couldn't find anything else to watch so I thought "Hmmm I'll give it a go" and ended up laughing lots, I too loved the cameos towards the end! I think it's one of those films that may get overlooked by many as Channing Tatum is associated with cooing girls, but all due credit where it's worth, this was a really enjoyable hangover movie.
Currently watching a show on Sky 2 called Mission Implausible in which Touring car driver jason plato competes against an aussie model to see wether girls or boys are better at certain tasks... ive watched it for ten minutes so far and in the background music has been 2 minutes to midnight while assigning their first task, Paul Diannos version of Iron Maiden while practicing the driving challenge and Phantom of the opera during the final run through including many instrumental snippets from the song throughout.
very surprising at 2am ;) i felt compelled to come on here to share my astonishment despite it not being a movie.
Just watched the Prince of Persia film. It's not exactly a movie made for Iranologists, but it's surprisingly fun.
I'd never heard or read the word before so I wasn't sure if you were using the name ironically or not.:p

This opens up room for a new meme though: "Trust me, I'm an Iranologist".
Caught the first episode of Line of Duty (British show) ... really good, looking forward to watching more of these ... they are on Hulu in the US. Also caught the pilot for Last Resort, pretty solid ... good enough to make me keep watching (on ABC in the US ... the pilot is on Hulu now, I think the air date is Sept 28)