This brings me great memories of my (very distant) youth!

I'm currently going through the nominations to the Greatest Metal Song cup with wifey, since she's not a member of the forum, I want to hear her opinions on the songs I'm picking from - right now playing this one after Halloween, to get her opinion which Keeper epic she likes more. :D

But honestly, the Keeper albums sound nostalgic even if your youth isn't that distant (though I'm still feeling old very often)*. The songs, the production, it has this good, old-timey quality, methinks.

* I'm over thirty and my father was into old time rock and metal, so the experience kinda conflates. Sometimes it makes me feel even older than I actually am.

Thanks to this Greatest Song Cup nominations and the deliberations I'm taking with wifey I've discovered she is generally even more enamoured by Rhapsody (& Co.) than I've ever suspected. This is a good week.

The best Nightwish B-side, bar none. The whole mission stated in five minutes.

I've always felt this riff should have been used instead of the one in Dead to the World (of which it is a perfection of sorts)