Well, you do regularly wax poetic about how great song X from the Maiden catalog is, even when it's generally held in low esteem. I can cite examples if you don't believe me...
Wax poetic? It's called: sharing your opinion, you know. Sometimes I use ''classic'' as a way of saying a song is great/amazing, but even when it's generally held in low esteem - no way. Please, don't give me some of the Blaze songs, or Paschendale, or Phantom Of The Opera(!). There are the so called ''hidden gems'' or underrated (for me) songs. For me some songs will always be classics, no matter what, even if they're not played live and especially if they're on the level (for me) with some of the generally accepted classics from an album, and especially if they have the classic elements of Maiden's sound. Not all, of course. Songs like Alexander The Great, Brave New World, Judas Be My Guide. Also, isn't Children Of The Damned strong enough to be called an 80's classic despite being on an album with 3 of the band's biggest classics?
Freak is great. That opening riff!

Welcome to the Pit might be among the weakest songs on the album, but it is still good (the lyrics are worse than the music).

I like Freak a lot but the nu metal riff in the middle with the squeeks was too Korn for my liking in 1997 and still is now.

Neither are weak songs though only in the context of the rest of the album would the term weak be used.