People are posting guitar and keyboard of covers Sagan (the bonus track)) already. I prefer it to Elan, truth be told. Still lots of those pipes, though.
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But Floor's vocals sound like every dime a dozen female metal singer out there.
Meh. Her vocals were always average, it's just that she was the first (popular) opera vocal in metal that made her well-known. For me, Nightwish is all about keyboards/Tuomas.her opera style vocals that really made this band stick out.
Hold on. Travis said her vocals sound average on there, so I assume he meant on these songs. And yes, I don't find them that special either on these songs.Dude, how can this sound like "every dime a dozen female metal singer out there" to you?
Tarja's voice is quite unique in metal. Just that she was one of the first popular opera vocal singers doesn't mean that her vocals are not special.Meh. Her vocals were always average, it's just that she was the first (popular) opera vocal in metal that made her well-known. For me, Nightwish is all about keyboards/Tuomas.
Well her vocals are pretty bad when you compare them to the voices of real opera singers. That's what I meant.Tarja's voice is quite unique in metal. Just that she was one of the first popular opera vocal singers doesn't mean that her vocals are not special.
omdat = because (weil) umdas ;-)
hij = he
Hehe, yeah. The word seems as if it has a German ring to it, but its use might be awkward indeed.Okay, omdat takes a few twists in my brain paths to associate with the German.Thanks.