NIGHTWISH SURVIVOR 2015: Results -> Ghost Love Score wins!

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But if one appreciates a certain style or artist, the chance is bigger that this song is not seen as abysmal.

In other words, Tarja could have done as well as possible, but you don't like this style. That does not mean these verses are abysmal.
To me the verses are abysmal.

Also, I respect that you like it and I'm gonna take this to an extreme here that doesn't necessarily relate to the song in question, but that argument only goes so far. By that logic, any music that anyone ever hears is technically good because someone somewhere can claim that they like that "style". Sorry, but some things are just bad. If three kids with no musical experience pick up instruments and bash the hell out of them for five minutes with zero musicality, it's bad, whether someone says, "No, I like that un-musical style" or not.
There are limits yes. This is more or less what I meant: When someone dislikes a style, the chances are bigger that someone does not like something in that style, even if executed as well as possible. If information about the finished song is known (or even when the artist's intentions would be known, before recording), the problem has already started before the artist is heard, or even before the artist has recorded it. The performance itself won't make much difference anymore.
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10th Man Down, Ocean Soul and then everything from Once apart from first 4 songs, GLS and Higher Than Hope (which grew on me on the final relisten).

Conclusion: Once is much weaker than Century Child.
Thanks for saving Ocean Soul's ass @Mosh !

I don't see why Creek Mary's Blood deserves so many votes, the first moment when it appears, though. Good stuff.

Once is worse than Century Child, but I find this track more impressive than Higher than Hope.
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I think the best songs from Once are better than the ones from Century Child, but the average overall goes to Century Child.
Seriously, the votes for Angel and Hope this early on are quite silly.

I dislike Angel a bunch. It reminds me way too much of something I'd find at some electronic dance party or something. Hope is prob the best song that I voted for, although I've only heard most of these songs say 2 or 3 times so my ratings for alot of these songs could still change.
10th Man, Creek Mary, The Siren, Dead Gardens, Higher Than Hope, Live To Tell..., White Night Fantasy.

Can you ignore my Ocean Soul vote, @Night Prowler ? (And not 'Ocean Soup' as I just managed to type).
Thanks for saving Ocean Soul's ass @Mosh !

I don't see why Creek Mary's Blood deserves so many votes, the first moment when it appears, though. Good stuff.
It had some parts I liked but overall seemed a bit drawn out.