NIGHTWISH SURVIVOR 2015: Results -> Ghost Love Score wins!

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Only listened once but I didn't have a problem with Bye Bye Beautiful. I don't really pay attention to lyrics so I didn't even realize what it was about until reading this and while I agree the lyrics are immature, it's still a cool song.
The insanely high amount of votes for Master Passion Greed and Meadows Of Heaven is baffling to me. Former is one of my favorites, you guys are monsters :(

End Of All Hope, Bye Bye Beautiful (WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE VOTING FOR IT?!), Sahara, Last Of The Wilds, Escapist.

I have nothing to explain to the guy voting for Sahara and Last of the Wilds.
You don't think so? :p I don't even mean it in a bad way necessarily. But they've definitely had a formula since at least Wishmaster and lots of ideas get recycled. Almost kinda like how Maiden reuses the same chord progression constantly. It doesn't usually hinder the enjoyment, but it's definitely there.
lol my gif was directed at Knick, I didn't even notice your post up until now (probably posted at the same time) :)
Meadows of Heaven is a gospel fest at the end. So exagerrated. Yuck.

Agreed. However, I still like it. It's not great, but it's better than some of the other songs.

Master Passion Greed sounds like they threw a lot of mismatched ingredients into one pot :p

Absolutely. It's just a bunch of mixed ideas with really immature, hateful lyrics that sound sophomoric coming from a band like Nightwish.
Bye Bye Beautiful at least attempts to use metaphors and veiled language to get the point across (not so much in the chorus, but definitely the rest). MPG just sounds like an angry, maddening rant. This second verse:

"Hello, how are you?
Let me explain one thing.
All for her and more for me.
Why is it so hard to see?
I see no sense in doing this,
Not enough for me,
I fuck up everything but let me explain."

Is just horrid. Why is that in a Nightwish song?

Also, contextually, Bye Bye Beautiful is more endearing. It sounds like a band taking a breath of fresh air and releasing their tension. MPG sounds like Tarja's exit drove the band to insane rage and childishness. And I'd like to think they're better than that.

Master Passion Greed - 5 votes
Whoever Brings The Night - 5 votes
For The Heart I Once Had - 5 votes
Meadows Of Heaven - 5 votes
While Your Lips Are Still Red - 4 votes
You guys seriously think End Of All Hope is better than Bless and Phantom????? I just don't and can't understand voting for Bless and Phantom this early. It's baffling and idryo.