NEWS: Maiden have started writing NEW material!

Will-I-Am said:
You know Perun, sometimes you give me the impression that you resist; not to say something, but for the sake of it.

No, mate. It's just that what you say here doesn't make any sense to me.

For you is a random thought; For me is simply a common sense that Paschendale inspired the whole AMOLAD

What is "a common sense"? I don't get it. "Common sense" means that everybody would agree with you, or at least see where you are coming from. But I don't see where you are coming from. Honestly, I don't see a link between Paschendale and A Matter of Life and Death. Maiden have made many songs about war. Moreover, Paschendale is both musically and lyrically very different from what most of the A Matter of Life and Death album has to offer.

Again is a common sense Perun, even more than this. Arguably Paschendale is the most important song after the reunion.
Now maybe it is not a universal law, but as here is only a forum, I don't search /want for any universal laws, common sense wins.

Look, I'd even give you the fact that Paschendale is the most popular Maiden song of the past decade. But I really can't see how it has had any more influence on A Matter of Life and Death than some other songs on Dance of Death. Think of the title track or No More Lies for instance. They sound a lot like what you can find on A Matter of Life and Death.

Now this is a bit tougher, but only a bit : I remind you the words of Steve Harris when he was enthusiastic for playing live this number as well as Breeg
due to their riff based construction
I also recall Kerry King of Slayer saying that 'I like it, here Maiden are trying to do something different'
So yes, it's an opinion that is the best song of the album, it's not an opinion that here Maiden tried to do something different,
and most important : They are 100% aware of that fact.

This passage really spins around wildly. What words of Steve? And wasn't the entire band enthusiastic about playing the entire album live? I remember Bruce having particular affection to Out of the Shadows. And I really don't see what you mean with "riff based construction". And I have no idea what Kerry King has to do with all this.
So yes, the band did something different with Brighter Than a Thousand Suns, but I still don't really see what you are trying to point out. They also did something different with The Longest Day, Out of the Shadows and The Legacy.
Steve is the most important factor, he's the boss, so his words count more than Bruce's especially for when it comes to new material.
Bruce liked to do Out of the Shadows cause it was his song, that simple.

They also did something different with The Longest Day, Out of the Shadows and The Legacy.

I could agree only for The Longest Day, I don't see any new ground for the other two.
But The Longest Day, though is bringing some new ground, it somehow fails like a song.

Anyhow, for all mentioned reasons in the previous post, either if they are random thoughts or common sense, I believe
that if some new ground is to be brought in that new album, it gonna be to riff based direction.
Remember that statement.
Will-I-Am said:
1. They're 60 years old, and they've been touring for 30 years -they have families too!
2. One's living in Hawaii, another in Florida, so it's getting hard for them even to meet physically.
3. It's a job (for them) after all! I mean, you probably wouldn't go to work 5 days a week, if only 2 was enough to give you the same money, right ?? 

1. They have been resting for a while, didn't they? Besides, if I enjoy doing something I wouldnt take a year off! Maybe they should tour a little less.
2. That really is a problem, but they can get around that, Bruce is a pilot!
3. I thought they enjoy making music. If it feels like a job, at this point, they should quit.

I'm not complaining or anything, I just wonder.
Mega said:
1. They have been resting for a while, didn't they? Besides, if I enjoy doing something I wouldnt take a year off! Maybe they should tour a little less.


Mega said:
2. That really is a problem, but they can get around that, Bruce is a pilot!

A working pilot, the plane is not his, he's doing a line. Thus he can not go wherever he wants, when he wants.

Mega said:
3. I thought they enjoy making music. If it feels like a job, at this point, they should quit.

It is a job, their job. It's quite difficult to quit and get retired, I was not seeing it when I was 19, but 15 years later, I see it more and more.
Especially when you loved your job and sacrificed a few things for it.
So yes, it is  their job, it feels like a job, but it's their life as well. Their life.
I wonder why they wait so long with releasing an album, they gained tons of media attention with their recent tour.
Will-I-Am said:

A working pilot, the plane is not his, he's doing a line. Thus he can not go wherever he wants, when he wants.

It is a job, their job. It's quite difficult to quit and get retired, I was not seeing it when I was 19, but 15 years later, I see it more and more.
Especially when you loved your job and sacrificed a few things for it.
So yes, it is  their job, it feels like a job, but it's their life as well. Their life.

What about the Ed force 1? Did they sell it on craigslist? I mean, I wasent serious about Bruce being a pilot but still.

And I don't know. I think that if I was playing in a major band I wouldent see it as a job.
Reumeren said:
I wonder why they wait so long with releasing an album, they gained tons of media attention with their recent tour.

Unexpected matters I suppose. 2011 was certainly not the plan according to Rod and Janick when they talked about it in the fanzines. Still, we have to see stuff from the official site first to be sure. Trunk never made sense to me anyway.
Mega said:
And I don't know. I think that if I was playing in a major band I wouldent see it as a job.

I believe that all the successful musicians who -plus- lasted through the decades, they did see it as a job, that's why they are still there.
It's a different industry, with not the same 'codes' as an office job, but yet it's an industry.

I have some friends who make their living by playing in groups , and every time I am with them,
I praise myself for choosing a technical direction (which is translated to 1+1=2) for gaining my bread  :D
Believe me it's not only a job, but a very #$$£¤^^§ one too!  ;)
People who have read the Maiden biographies, who are really into the band, who really follow them well, who really read all the interviews they can, who actually think to know Maiden well enough, as artists, as people who are into music, as people who love to go out and play...

.. they know well that they don't see it as much as a job as your friends. With respect, speaking of association: your friends can't be compared to Maiden, can they, whoever they are?

Maiden are the most determined band ever. Maiden are not in this industry, they are solely busy with their music and performing. Rod and co. do the rest, and have nothing to do with the so called music business. No pleasing of record companies, no asslickng of promoters, everything on Maiden's terms. They have their own "industry" and the rest can fuck off, if they don't like it.
Forostar said:
Unexpected matters I suppose. 2011 was certainly not the plan according to Rod and Janick when they talked about it in the fanzines. Still, we have to see stuff from the official site first to be sure. Trunk never made sense to me anyway.

Exactly. I agree. They should enter the studio between a couple of weeks and then we have shall see their plans for the release of the new album,for now I think anyone can say anything about the release.
Forostar said:
People who have read the Maiden biographies, who are really into the band, who really follow them well, who really read all the interviews they can, who actually think to know Maiden well enough, as artists, as people who are into music, as people who love to go out and play...

.. they know well that they don't see it as much as a job as your friends. With respect, speaking of association: your friends can't be compared to Maiden, can they, whoever they are?

Maiden are the most determined band ever. Maiden are not in this industry, they are solely busy with their music and performing. Rod and co. do the rest, and have nothing to do with the so called music business. No pleasing of record companies, no asslickng of promoters, everything on Maiden's terms. They have their own "industry" and the rest can fuck off, if they don't like it.

Maiden are in the industry Foro, what are all those items and merchandises, and DVDs and, and...
Once you're selling your music through a company you belong there.
They are probably different, but they work to the same industry that my friends do, they give interviews, signing autographs
playing the same songs every day, jumping around on stage and loosing kilos of weight every night from the sweat,
basically they are both doing the same job.

Maybe Maiden is the best band ever, maybe it can not be compared to anyone else, but it still belongs to the industry.
Will-I-Am, why do you insist on the assumption that Maiden don't like what they do?

Yes, TECHNICALLY being a musician is a job. But music is art, would you say that great painters only painted for the money in it?
Think about it this way: A musician as big as Maiden, or any other band that made alot of money, can quit at any time if he does'nt like what he's doing. And besides, how can you make it in this business if you don't have a passion for it?
Well, although Nicko is Maiden's most talking one, I don't trust what he says completely. The number of songs written I can agree, but I think the band has the bulk of the songs, not the finished product that will be on the album. I think Maiden will craft much more on this new album, but it won't be one more year long 'til it is out. Nicko said that AMOLAD was probably going to be a conceptual album and it was pure bullshit. Plus, as the year had just begun, this kind of statement is to let fans go absolutely berserk on thinking about wait one more year for Maiden's new album when it has already 8 songs 'ready' to go.

Well, Nick, go cook your ribs and then, record your drums parts. Let the jokes for another time. :lol:
^I though about him just kidding so the release date will catch us by surprise.

AMLOAD being a concept album wasent total BS, There are some recurring themes.
A concept album doesnt have to revolve around a specific story, it can be about a more general idea like war.
The main theme in AMLOAD is war, so even if it isn't a concept album it's not that far away from it.
I don't agree. The X Factor is much more conceptual than AMOLAD. It talks about dake side of human nature. AMOLAD has as a theme life and death, as it's shown on the album title.
I say, if you've got 8 songs, get into the studio tomorrow. Record them and release the top 6 ASAP (no pun intended). What is the point of having at least 10 songs and 60 minutes for a release? The era of the album is dead and buried. It's been over 3 years give some new music now!
More rumours appearing from IMOC users:

"from what i've heard from Colin Price (Dave's guitar tech) who also posts over on the Marillion forum (he used to be Marillion guitarist Steve Rothery's tech as well) Colin says the new Maiden stuff is sounding "even more prog-tastic than ever before"

Another one:

"We are delighted to advise that Astraeus Airlines will be operating the Iron Maiden 2011 world tour. More
details will of course follow once known." (Note: this is on Astraeus Airlines site)

Weird. Never seen so many rumours popping out 3 days into the new year.