New posters! Who are you?

Hi folks. Name's Goose. I'm a Metal fan, a baseball fanatic, and I don't like long walks on the beach.

A friend of my moms introduced me to Iron Maiden a little over ten years ago. I listened to a few songs off one of the albums he had (which turned out to be 7th Son of a 7th Son as I later discovered). I was intrigued but not enough to take a more serious interest. But back in 2002, a good friend burnt me copies of Number of the Beast, Powerslave, Piece of Mind, and Somewhere in Time and it blew me away. I've been in love with this awesome band ever since.
I remember the days of the Montreal Expos doing amazing.  Then there was the 95 strike.  That was it for the franchise.
hmm, did hockey and baseball conspire a work stoppage to distract the world from the Lizzard People's take over?!
I have a funny coincidence regarding Baseball and the hockey work stopage. The year the Stanley Cup was not awarded due to a work stoppage in 2004 -2005. The team that won the world series was the Boston RedSox. The only other year it was'nt awarded was the 1918-1919 season due to the Spanish Flu epidemic and death of league official Joe Hall. The team that won the world series guessed it , The Boston RedSox.  We should have had something happen this past year to stop the Stanley Cup being claimed by a team because the Sox won the World Series.
Onhell said:
How 'bout Top Gun? Fan of that... Goose :D

Heh, I don't know how many times I've had people ask me if that's why I have that nickname. Good movie, but that's not where it's from.
Hi all, I'm rolpol...

I got into Maiden when I saw a brief snippet of Aces High on Top Of The Pops nigh on a quarter of a century ago...God knows how much money Steve and Rod have had off me since then!  ;)

I have a team, Melodious Thunk near the bottom of the Maiden Fans fantasy football league....
Well first of all HI! to everybody.
I am kanibal. I have been listening IM for 1.5 years now, I know it is not a long time but it all started with concert in Ljubljana (go google it if you dont know where it is) and this link posted by a friend of mine on some forum. Since then I got my self nice album collection on my Ipod so when I listen to them when ever I have a chance. So hi again to all and UP THE IRONS