New album: The Final Frontier!

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French magazine Metallian will bring a review of The Final Frontier on the latest edition, which will be available on newstands tomorrow.
Are you sure it's going to contain the album review? The magazine's official site says this:

IRON MAIDEN ( Avant-Première : Rencontre exclusive à Dallas avec Bruce Dickinson, Steve Harris, Dave Murray et Adrian Smith !!! )

Maybe the "avant-premiere" refers only to the current tour, since they're specifically mentioning Dallas?
Jeffmetal said:
French magazine Metallian will bring a review of The Final Frontier on the latest edition, which will be available on newstands tomorrow.

I'm ready to collaborate, you scan  ;)
The guy who came up with this said that Metallian journalists sent to Dallas for the tour, also had the opportunity to listen to The Final Frontier and that it's part of the report contained in this mag. The guy who said it is ead666 and I guess you know how much knowledge he has about Maiden. Hope he's right about it. :)

Will-I-Am, thanx for volunteering yourself and Ranko for the scanning and translation. :lol:

Edit: Only now I saw you're expecting me for the scan. :D But don't worry, mate, some other people will certainly scan the report as soon as they can, like the Kerrang! interview with Bruce and I'll post it here for all of us. :edmetal:
Hmmmmm, why is this thread still in this section while the other thread is in the commentary section? Actually, do we really need 2 separate threads to talk about the album? Maybe they could be combined or something?
Mods, do you have any thoughts on my above suggestion?
46 days until album release. hope that soon there will be some information about forthcoming single and promo clip, maybe it will be El Dorado, maybe another song. Before A Matter Of Life And Death was released at 28 august, Diifferent World appear on official site at 10 august, and next day we've got brighter than a thousand suns. Hoping that they give us one more or two songs before album release.
Since there are 2 separate threads for this, I will put updates in both of them. Here is everything so far:

RUMORED writing credits:
Edu_Smith said:
1. Satellite 15.....The Final Frontier (Smith/Harris) 8:40
2. El Dorado (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 6:49
3. Mother Of Mercy (Smith/Harris) 5:20
4. Coming Home (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 5:52
5. The Alchemist (Gers/Harris/Dickinson) 4:29
6. Isle Of Avalon (Smith/Harris) 9:06
7. Starblind (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 7:48
8. The Talisman (Gers/Harris) 9:03
9. The Man Who Would Be King (Murray/Harris) 8:28
10. When The Wild Wind Blows (Harris) 10:59

Forostar said:
So let's get rid of that misconception people. For the ones who didn't hear the interview yet, on the official forum, a member called TroySpringer (thanks dude!) took some notes during yesterday's RockLine show with Steve and Janick.

Similar Writing Credits to AMOLAD

FF has More Time Changes and More “Proggy” (as Steve said)

Also from Rockline:
Jeffmetal said:
Steve said that TFF is a completely different of AMOLAD, except for partnership composers.

From a radio interview in Arizona:
Jeffmetal said:
Janick is on! Said that El Dorado isn't representative of the album. It's a very varied and HEAVY album.

From 7digital:
Iron Maiden’s highly anticipated new studio album THE FINAL FRONTIER has been confirmed for 16th August release. Recorded at Compass Point Studios in Nassau Producer Kevin “Caveman” Shirley reports “Each of the guitar players has a very much more distinct sound on this record. The textures sound quite different to each other It’s nothing that I’m doing any differently, it’s what they’re doing differently, a landscape they’re painting for themselves...but its Maiden.

[glow=red,2,300]June 24 update:[/glow]
Even though British heavy metal legends IRON MAIDEN opted to away a new song, "El Dorado", as a free MP3 download via the band's official web site, the group's frontman Bruce Dickinson wants to make it clear that the finished product sounds much better.

After announcing to the crowd at IRON MAIDEN's June 22, 2010 headlining concert at the White River Amphitheatre in Auburn, Washington that the band wanted to perform a new track from its much-anticipated new studio album, "The Final Frontier", Dickinson said, "I do apologize to those of you who've downloaded [the song], ripped it, done whatever... 'cause it's a freebie on the web at the moment. I do apologize to those of you who have downloaded it, not for any other reason but stuff that is on the Internet sounds like shit — it just does. MP3s, how to take all the balls out of the song... It's like, MP3s to music is what zombies are to Shakespeare — absolute bullshit. It's terrible. All these people listening to songs with cotton buds stuffed in their fucking ears. What is that all about? So for all those of you poor victims who downloaded it and thought, 'Oh, right. Yeah.' Well, the song is called 'El Dorado' and if you buy the record, it should sound like this."
Source: ... mID=142080

[glow=red,2,300]June 30 update:[/glow]
Jeffmetal said:
First review of The Final Frontier - (in french - could someone, please, translate into English?):
It's from this forum -

Premiere écoute de "The Final Frontier"... résumé de Guitar/part

- Satellite 15... The Final Frontier: très longue intro, grosse rythmique, break puis gros riffs. Bruce se lâche. Pas une minute de répit pendant le morceau qui d'après eux est fait pour le live.

- El Dorado: on la connait

- Mother Of Mercy: morceau calme à l'esprit très '80...

- Coming Home: ballade

- The Alchemist: plus rapide

- Isle Of Avalon: belle intro en son clair, morceau épique qui repose sur la batterie de Nicko, d'après eux l'un des meilleurs de l'album...

- Starblind: ravira les shreddeurs, chanson sur le rôle de Dieu

- The Talisman: intro acoustique influence moyennageuse

- The Man Who Would Be King: Bruce est au meillleur de sa forme, un régal il parait.

- When The Wild Wind Blows: intro très pop '80 d'après eux...
Suicidehummer said:
Google Translator says:

First listen to "The Final Frontier" ... Summary Guitar / share

- Satellite 15 ... The Final Frontier: very long intro, great rhythm, great riffs and breaks. Bruce is loose. Not a minute's respite, during which the song from them is done to live.

- El Dorado: it knows it

- Mother Of Mercy: song calm mind very '80 ...

- Coming Home: ballad

- The Alchemist: Faster

- Isle Of Avalon: nice intro clear sound, epic song based on the battery Nicko, according to them one of the best album ...

- Starblind: shreddeurs will please, song on the role of God

- The Talisman: intro acoustic influence middle-aged type

- The Man Who Would Be King: Bruce Brut its form, a treat it seems.

- When The Wild Wind Blows: intro very pop '80 after them ...
Jeffmetal said:
A bit better translation I did myself (a friend told me it doesn't say much, so I trusted him. Also, it seems the person who wrote this listened to excerpts only) -  

Satellite 15...The Final Frontier - very long intro, heavy rhythm, break then heavy riff. Bruce is loose. Not a minute of rest during the part after that. Meant for playing live.

El Dorado - This one is already known.

Mother Of Mercy - this calm part is very much in the spirit of the 80's.

Coming Home - ballad

The Alchemist - very fast

Isle Of Avalon - beautiful intro with clean/clear sound, epic excerpt that rely upon Nicko's drumming, this excerpt is one of the best on the album.

Starblind - a feast for shredders, song about the role of God

The Talisman - acoustic intro influenced by middle ages?

The Man Who Would Be King - Bruce's at his best, a delight as it seems

When The Wild Wind Blows - intro very much like their own 80's fame
Will-I-Am said:
I made some corrections, automatic translators can be very misleading sometimes

Premiere écoute de "The Final Frontier"... résumé de Guitar/part ---> First listen of "The Final Frontier" of Guitar/part

- Satellite 15... The Final Frontier: très longue intro, grosse rythmique, break puis gros riffs. Bruce se lâche. Pas une minute de répit pendant le morceau qui d'après eux est fait pour le live.

---> Very long intro, heavy rythms /riffs. Bruce takes off (by word letting himself go) Not a minute of rest during the song which according to them is made for live

- El Dorado: on la connait

- Mother Of Mercy: morceau calme à l'esprit très '80...  ---> calm song as in 80s style...

- Coming Home: ballade

- The Alchemist: plus rapide  ---> more fast

- Isle Of Avalon: belle intro en son clair, morceau épique qui repose sur la batterie de Nicko, d'après eux l'un des meilleurs de l'album... ---> the latest Jeff translation is rather ok  

- Starblind: ravira les shreddeurs, chanson sur le rôle de Dieu ----> idem

- The Talisman: intro acoustique influence moyennageuse  ----> yes, influence of Middle Age

- The Man Who Would Be King: Bruce est au meillleur de sa forme, un régal il parait.  ---> Jeff's latest is more or less ok as well

- When The Wild Wind Blows: intro très pop '80 d'après eux... ----> d'apres eux it's according to them (Maiden ??)
Jeffmetal said:
Thanx, Will-I-Am. :ok:

Another report from private listening session for journalists:

From Jon Horse: I heard the Maiden album today. It's fucking long as fuck, pretty good, not their best but probably a grower.

I had to listen to it on a Discman in EMI's headquarters under the supervision of a security guard. They put on a nice spread; some good coffee, nice crisps, coca-cola, water, and I got given a t-shirt too.

So paranoid are management that we couldn't listen to it acoustically. There is another playback in July with beer and stuff so that'll be more like it.

It won't be their last studio album, though, heard noises that it was really just the subject matter that led them to that title.

It was just me and Joel McIver from Metal Hammer. I just stared out the window and wrote loads of notes down – one of them about how worrying one of the tracks sounds like 'Man On The Edge'!!!??? from the Blaze era. And drummed with my pen. The security guard (Tony) said: "You had that loud enough; it was blaring." Which was momentarily concerning. During the second spin I felt really conscious of the noise of me eating Kettle Chips. And I needed a pee.

76 minutes long!!??? I'll say it again, the coffee was nice. Some good rollicking Maiden going on, i just wish there was a real 'hit single' on it just to act as a focal point. Definitely a grower, though. 'The Final Frontier' is really dense. 'Coming Home' is a great track, though; Brucie's in his element. And 'El Dorado' gets better the more you hear it.

This The X Factor related reference sounds great to me. Hope there's a tone similar to The X Factor on The Final Frontier. :edmetal:
Jeffmetal said:
French magazine Metallian will bring a review of The Final Frontier on the latest edition, which will be available on newstands tomorrow.
Jeffmetal said:

Also, as far as I know, we only need to use spoilers for the tour thread, not to discuss the new album.
Yes! The more and more news I hear about TFF the more excited I get!  :yey:

All Maiden Troopers out to get more news! It feels like the album is such a short time away (which is very good!), and by the looks of it, When the Wild Wind Blows is going to be incredible! :edmetal:
Jesiff said:
Yes! The more and more news I hear about TFF the more excited I get!  :yey:

All Maiden Troopers out to get more news! It feels like the album is such a short time away (which is very good!), and by the looks of it, When the Wild Wind Blows is going to be incredible! :edmetal:
Actually for me, time is going by REALLY SLOOOOOOWWWW waiting for the album to come out.
Ranko and Will-I-Am and othewr french mates, the scan is here! Now, it's with you - ... review.jpg

Another resume from a Maiden french forum: "Satellite 15... The Final Frontier : incroyable assaut sonore. Barrage de riffs brutalement heavy et atonaux, couches de percussions tribales et touches atmosphériques à la Somewhere in time en ouverture (Je suis pas sur de saisir tout ce qu'ils ont voulu dire mais il a l'air content le journaliste)
Approche directe d'Adrian, un peu à la UFO. Titre vibrant destiné à être une hymne en live.

L'Hymne Mother of Mercy et le suprème Coming Home (la encore il a l'air d'avoir aimé,
Riffs puissants et mélodies entrainantes.

Starblind Basé sur les claviers (oups, ) mélange de percussions titubantes et maitrisées par Nicko et une grande perf de Bruce.

The Talisman Une théâtralité dans la quelle le groupe excelle

Isle of Avalon Une tension incroyable et l'un des soli les plus expressif entendu sur un album de Maiden

When the Wild Wind blows Une des plus brillantes compos d'Harris, mélodie celtique, avec une approche de la basse différente de ce à quoi Steve nous habitués.

"The Final Frontier est sans conteste l'album le plus puissant du groupe depuis le retour de Bruce et Adrian"

Hope it gets translated asap!!! :edmetal:
All you need to do is Google: translate French to English. Here is what I got out of the above post from Jeff:

Satellite 15 ... The Final Frontier: Incredible sound assault. Dam brutally heavy riffs and atonal, layers of tribal percussion and atmospheric keys to opening Somewhere in Time (I'm not seize anything they wanted to say but he looks happy journalist)
Direct approach of Adrian, a little at a UFO. Title to be a vibrant anthem live.

Ode Mother of Mercy and the supreme Coming Home (the more he seems to have loved,
Powerful riffs and catchy melodies.

Starblind Based on keyboards (oops,) reeling mix of percussion and mastered by Nicko and Bruce great perf.

The Talisman A theatricality in which the group excels

Isle of Avalon incredible tension and one of the most expressive solos heard on a Maiden album

When The Wild Wind blows One of the most brilliant compositions Harris, Celtic melody, with a different approach to the bass of what we used Steve.

"The Final Frontier is undoubtedly the album's strongest group since the return of Bruce and Adrian
It's in French. I prefer to use spoilers as the expectations on not knowing anything about the album is as important as those of going to see the band live.
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