Musical prejudice

I like the female voice in metal. It provides a different texture and a nice contrast to the male voice. Like someone pointed out earlier, I find Cristina Scabbia's vocals to be the only salvageable thing in an otherwise generic metal band. I find this to often be the case in "beauty and the beast vocal" bands like Lacuna Coil.

With that said, it absolutely makes sense that someone wouldn't like this. It's definitely a different sound and it's definitely not for everybody. Just like growls or raspy vocals or even operatic vocals. It's a different sound, I don't see why the idea of someone not liking it so ridiculous. It comes off as intolerant.

@Flash Out of curiosity, what do you think of the female vocals in Coil by Opeth?
With that said, it absolutely makes sense that someone wouldn't like this. It's definitely a different sound and it's definitely not for everybody. Just like growls or raspy vocals or even operatic vocals. It's a different sound, I don't see why the idea of someone not liking it so ridiculous. It comes off as intolerant.

That's a good comparison tbh. With a few exceptions I would say female vocalists sound very different to male in not only tone but style - I know this is kinda a 'duh' comment but I'm sure if I didn't say it it would be mentioned - in that regard it's no different to someone saying they don't like harsh vocals.
That's a good comparison tbh. With a few exceptions I would say female vocalists sound very different to male in not only tone but style
You recognize that there are exceptions? You agree that women can sing in the same style or tone? That does show that in that regard it is different to someone saying they don't like harsh vocals, doesn't it? Harsh vocals always sound different from clean (male or female) vocals.
There are exceptions, but they are vastly in the minority. I mean does a female singer really want to sound like a male to begin with?
Sound exactly like a man perhaps not. But she can sing in the same style or tone so it could fit the same genre.
For what it's worth, female and male voices are different by nature. Women and men have different size vocal folds because they have different size larynges. Different anatomy -> Different voice. Hence, no matter how much technique they use, they will always sound different.
- As NP said, "Xcore" music.
-any genre of music with -core attached to it
What about Grindcore guys?

- Gimmick bands (prime example, The Iron Maidens, they are a tribute band with no difference to any other tribute band except for their gender.. how is that worthy of record deals!?), I don't consider a genre/style change to be as gimmicky, e.g Hayseed Dixie
Just because they're women? You sexist pig.