Misheard lyrics

Until very recently I thought the lyrics to Number of The Beast were as follows: "Just what I saw, in my old dreams, was eight reflections of my warped mind staring back at me!"  :innocent:
UpTheIrons said:
Until very recently I thought the lyrics to Number of The Beast were as follows: "Just what I saw, in my old dreams, was eight reflections of my warped mind staring back at me!"  :innocent:

Yep, that was one of my many mishears with that particular track. I'd say it's the most misheard Iron Maiden song. That and ROTAM.
Rubber ducky, dance of the czars.

OK, I obviously didn't mishear it, but man, it fits. And I hear it in my brain everytime someone mentions bert and ernie. I think it's the very special Sesame Street does Maiden episode.
The other day I started hearing:
Whooaaaa... fart for the honour, fart for the splendour.. etc.
Whenever I listen to The Duellists  :innocent:
UpTheIrons said:
Until very recently I thought the lyrics to Number of The Beast were as follows: "Just what I saw, in my old dreams, was eight reflections of my warped mind staring back at me!"  :innocent:

I thought it was, "Just what I saw, in my old dreams, was a reflection of my walkmen staring back at me!" :lol:
I had a funny mis-take with the lyrics to Territorial Pissings - Nirvana. I thought sure Kurt said "Kojak's got no hair", which could actually fit within the song  :bigsmile: