AJFA is actually my favourite, once you get over the obvious production issues Diesel mentioned. When you get used to that sound, it even works in its favour, creating something really unique, similar to SIT. Although they could have turned up the bass, it's still that similar dry sound, but there is an extra instrument which makes the music richer in any case.
Regarding MOP, I also felt like Diesel when I first heard it, but I got weary of some songs pretty soon. For instance, Disposable Heroes is a fantastic showcase of James' virtuoso rhythm guitar playing, but after some time it seems almost like a stunt, those riffs get repeated far too many times (especially at the beginning), and it doesn't flow well (like some more recent Maiden

). Thing That Should Not Be has a great atmosphere and is very heavy, but it's plodding. Leper Messiah is very groovy rhythmically, but it's very simplistic and can get boring. Damage inc is very similar to Battery, but it's not so good so it almost sounds obsolete on the same album (and it's at the end so it's easy to skip, at least on the mediums I used to listen to then

). What remains is MOP, which is really a masterpiece, Orion, which is just dandy, Sanitarium (which actually IS better than Fade To Black, and btw One is even better), and Battery, which is cool, but there are other bands that made that type of fast songs better. So after a few hundred listens

you'll see it fades a bit