
I just think it's funny that they went from having what is probably the worst drum sound of any professional recording to this super polished sound. It's fine but weird for Metallica and doesn't work for all kinds of Metal (definitely not thrash). I'm not sure why they can't just have a normal sounding drum.

Either way, this is sonically the best thing Metallica has done since The Black Album, easily.
I'm willing to bet that similar to DM, some of the songs will end up being too long and drawn out which will lead us to say that it could have easily fit on one disc. Especially considering the fact that an audio CD can hold up to 74 minutes. I guarantee you we'll find 6 minutes that can be chopped.
I'm not say I like this song but this single made me really curious for new album. Definitely better single than The Day that Never Comes. And I see they ditched Lords of the Summer, which was a snooze-fest in my opinion. Looking forward for this one now.
Really old school this new song. I bet they'll follow the DM lead and continue to play this old-school-straight-metal. It'll not be great, but I doubt Metallica's even trying to do something great. It'll be "good enough" to allow people to forget DM (except The Day That Never Comes. That song is awesome), good enough to promote a sold-out stadium tour.

Probably Maiden, Metallica and Priest will hit Brazil next year, and none'll be in a range of 400km from me. I'll need to save a lot of money.
'The Day That Never Comes' is the stand out track on 'Death Magnetic' in my opinion, in fact I consider it to be one of their best ever songs.

I don't consider it one of their best ever songs but for sure one of the more memorable songs on Death Magnetic. Probably because it's not all over the place like many of the other songs....
I like the new song, seems like a good opener for the album .. and I assume tour. I would not want a whole album of this, but it is a good shorter thrash-y song that they have not had in some time. It is a good sign, as most have said, that it actually sounds good from a production stand point. They have taken long enough with this, it should sound good. :)
What is it about the production that makes it sound like you're listening to it in an aeroplane at an altitude of 10,000 m?
Probably the kick drum. It's that same kick sound all the djent bands like to use.
Music based around the riffing style started by bands like Meshuggah. But the production in particular is typically really polished and ends up just sounding really digitized. IMO it's this decade's version of Nu Metal/Metalcore. At least here in the USA. So I wouldn't be surprised if Lars wanted a "modern" drum sound based on that.

This sort of thing.
Hmm, I kept reading how Animals as Leaders weren't allowed on Metal Archives because they're djent (not knowing anything about the genre myself).... and it's complete bullshit.

Not that I even visited MA anymore, their mindset in general gets pretty annoying...