Maiden's future (albums/touring)

Here's another idea - if anyone was going to put together a new version of "War of the Worlds" (ie the Jeff Wayne concept piece), what do you think Bruce would be like as the Artilleryman? Good or not?
Most of the bands usually don't get their money back from album sales alone, but I believe The Final Frontier reached number 1 in a decent ammount of countries. This is not new, since most of what Maiden has released since 2000 has charted well. Being a studio band only wouldn't hurt them, imho, since they will always have people willing to buy one more compilation...
I think Iron Maiden is one of those bands that has transcended the need to tour. I can't prove that, of course, but I can provide a few pieces of evidence for it - namely, that the band members are fucking rich. Bruce bought an airline last year. Steve owns two massive villas, one in England, one in Portugal. Dave lives in Hawaii, and Nicko can drunk-slam his car into people with only slaps on the wrist.
Does it? Most of the purchases were made many years ago, and I have the feeling that the tours are their main source of income. That's why we have seen so many Maiden Englands from fear to eternity with a side of picture disc collection lately, and so very few studio albums.
That can be true, but I don't think lower album sales are the most important reason why they don't release studio albums as often as they did in the past. Most of the times, the number of studio releases per period of time were specified in the band's contract with the record label. In the 60s, bands were forced to release two albums per year! Now this is more flexible, since a business model in which you want to have "the next big thing" simply doesn't work in a market as diverse as the one we have today. Many people blame internet piracy for the downfall of record sales, but I think it's more based around the fact that there are way more bands who can put out records every 3 or 4 years without the fear of falling into obscurity, and also because the music market isn't restricted to the UK and USA anymore. There's South America and Asia now, and not only Brazil and Japan. And as tours get longer, there's more time between original studio releases.
Bruce bought an airline last year. Steve owns two massive villas, one in England, one in Portugal. Dave lives in Hawaii, and Nicko can drunk-slam his car into people with only slaps on the wrist.
Er, how long ago was that incident with Nicko and the parking attendant (or are you referring to something more recent)? Steve sold (or is trying to sell) his pad in Essex (as Perun says), Dave moved to Hawaii because his wife was living there when they met and are you sure Bruce "bought an airline"? As I understood it he was trying to set one up from scratch (though neither are low-risk business moves). Yeah, they're rich. But I really think they've earned it.
It's not that we don't like your place, Moon, it's just that Perun is being so nice that he's gonna give each one of us our own room in Steve's old house. That's not to be missed!