I can't believe that you're all still debating about this silence which isn't one...
1) Maiden has always criticized all the wars around the globe in their songs and videos, especially in the 90's with tracks like "Afraid To Shoot Strangers", "The Aftermath", "Edge Of Darkness", etc... And also in the post-reunion era with "The Longest Day", "Brighter Than A Thousand Suns", "For The Greater Good Of God", "Hell On Earth"...
2) Maiden have also criticized all the politicians in "Two Minutes To Midnight" and "Public Enema Number One" who lie to save their skins and are the ones who start the wars...
3) The new 'X Factor' album incarnated by 'Senjutsu' is explicit about the situation on this planet with "Hell On Earth" and "Lost In The Lost World"...
4) On the Rock In Rio show in 2001, Bruce is introducing the song "Blood Brothers" with some nice words to all the fans everywhere in the world, including Russian and Ukrainian fans, who are real blood brothers considering their common history...
5) You should also remember that Maiden suffered a lot from medias criticism in the 90's and they don't want to be criticized no more, because it was really painful for them...
6) Maiden also criticized the soviet union and their leaders in the song "Mother Russia"... If they did so then, it means that they still have the same point of view on Putin and the current events in Ukraine, because is acting like a soviet union politician...
7) Last but not least, you should respect each others and not be divided because of a justified lack of reaction by our favorite band, whose pacifist positions were clearly announced throughout its career.
Peace & Love from Eddie