Maiden’s political silence

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According to journalist Antoine Hasday, published by Conspiracy Watch , an interview with Jacques Baud given to RT France "ticks all the boxes for geopolitical conspiracy theories" [ 18 ] . The latter, sometimes invited by the traditional media, also intervened on the far-right web-television TV Libertés , as well as previously on RT France [ 18 ] . Interviewed on this last channel by Frédéric Taddeï in September 2020, he notably minimizes the human toll of the Darfur war, which he reduces to 2,500 dead (against 300,000 according to the UN) and denies the responsibility of theSyrian army in the massacres in Homs in 2011 and in the chemical attacks in Ghouta , Khan Sheikhoun and Douma between 2013 and 2018 [ 18 ] . Taking up the official arguments of the Syrian regime of Bashar el-Assad , he also asserts that the photographs taken by the military photographer " Caesar " are not those of political opponents who died under torture, but of soldiers of the Syrian army [ 18 ] . Jacques Baud also whitewashes Russiaconsidering that the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal was caused by "food poisoning" and that the poisoning of Alexei Navalny is probably "the work of the mafia"

He's never met a despot he didn't like.
@LongDistanceRunner1981 has been banned from this forum.

We do believe the reasons are obvious and understandable to most of us here, but a brief statement is nevertheless in order.

This member would have you believe that what they did was merely the expression of an opinion under the pretext of freedom of speech. However, what they in fact did, was spread propaganda lies from the Russian government to justify the invasion of Ukraine and the murder of thousands of innocent people.

We believe that the freedom of the expression of an opinion is different from the selection of your own facts, and we also believe that the spread of political propaganda from an autocratic regime is not to be equated with the valid expression of an opinion.

While in a few posts, this member posted a myriad of propaganda lies, the one that sticks out is a claim about the massacre of Butcha, which this member believes without any sort of substantiation to their claim, was not perpetrated by the Russian army but by Ukrainian extremists.
While the investigations of the massacres of Ukrainian civilians in Butcha and other places are still ongoing, the overwhelming amount of evidence points to the fact that these crimes were committed by members of the Russian army. The forum member has not provided a shred of evidence to disprove this. We have banned members for Holocaust denial and similar in the past, and this goes in the same direction.

@LongDistanceRunner1981 has violated the forum rules stating "Messages with a blatant bigoted content will be deleted and the poster will see his/her warn level increased." From our experience as moderators, we have no reason to believe that the member would show any sort of remorse or would retract their bigoted content, and we have reason to believe this member would violate the concerning rule again. We therefore opted to ban this member rather than warn them, also with reference to a statement in the beginning of this thread.
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