There's no need discussing this with them. I'm sure they are convinced they know. As long as their heart is in the good place, let them be. People who have a thirst to find the Truth (which means to come as close to it as possible, since it is unattainable for a human obviously) will have read and heard hundreds of testimonies from French, Swiss, anglo-saxon current and former military and intelligence officers, as well as those of the thousands of civilians that have escaped Hell on Earth in Mariupol and who have come forward to speak of the unimaginable brutality of the extremists who are embedded in the Ukrainian army and who have taken both civilians and regular soldiers hostage (battalions that are azov-free surrender quickly, as with the 36th Marine Brigade in Mariupol).
Most of the anti-Russian propaganda and alleged crimes are debunked, and in some cases, have been admitted by the BBC (like the famous Butcha massacre, which is most probably a slaughter perpetrated by the extremists, who entered the city about 24 to 36 hours after the Russians had left and the first videos from the mayor had been posted on line, with a huge smile on his face (and no bodies to be seen anywhere. Again, this has even been admitted by the BBC.
The problem is most people don't have enough free time and/or interest to go through all the report, mainstream western, independent western, local, Russian, etc, to try to make some sense of this. I personally do since I am a freelancer and work from home, and can't stand the bullshit I see and hear in certain media. I see more and more people realising certain things however. Like my ex, who is Polish and super afraid of Russians (so definitely not pro-Russian or pro-Poutine). Even she told me recently that she's extremely suspicious of that clown zelensky. And the fact that she lives near the border, and sees the behaviour, and hears the words of quite a few of the Ukrainian refugees that are there makes her even more suspicious of what is really going on. Even if you spend all day long reading only ny times or financial times or whatever, the amount of contradictions is astounding. The only thing I can't accept, is all those articles in these media that are based entirely and solely on anonymous sources, or 'ukrainian gvt/officials say or claim' and present these things as fact, when on the other side, those of us who are trying to get an idea about what is going on are basing our arguments on specific testimonies from a wide variety of sources, including a huge number of video testimonies from citizens, etc. And I can't understand how brainwashed one has to be to not realise that the fact that these battalions are placed within cities is a crime in and of itself! If my country was under attack, and the army asked to position my mortar (I was trained during my mandatory military service) on or next to a residential building, or anywhere near any civilian neighbourhood, I would certainly refuse to do so, as do some Ukrainians, but... Anyway. The worse thing is that, because of this indoctrination of the public opinion in the west, aside from the civilian casualties, tens of thousands of young Ukrainian men are perishing and will continue to. They are being sacrificed, and for what?