Mafia: Game 1: Mafia wins!

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I beg you, good people of Cosa Maidenfansa: If one of them is Mafia, both are. We can only know if we hang one, but if they turn out to be Mafia, we can hang the other. If I'm wrong, you can still hang me the next day.
I think I favor this strategy.
I don't get Perun's logic in tying Brig and NP together and I find Brig's theory on Perun pretty interesting.
I've been suspicious of RTC for awhile because of his aggressiveness. Same with Knick. The fact quiet people are getting offed adds to the theory. I can't tell if NP is getting active because he's noticed the same as me, or whether it was a move calculated from the beginning.
The fact Stardust is so us characteristically quiet is very suspicious. Its like his Mafia scum don't trust him not to slip up, or he doesn't trust himself.

LC, can you please post who has been nominated and how many seconders are needed to post a vote?
I don't get Perun's logic in tying Brig and NP together and I find Brig's theory on Perun pretty interesting.
I've been suspicious of RTC for awhile because of his aggressiveness. Same with Knick. The fact quiet people are getting offed adds to the theory. I can't tell if NP is getting active because he's noticed the same as me, or whether it was a move calculated from the beginning.
The fact Stardust is so us characteristically quiet is very suspicious. Its like his Mafia scum don't trust him not to slip up, or he doesn't trust himself.

I have done nothing in this game to incriminate myself as mafia, because I am not mafia. I would also definitely not describe my playing as "aggressive", though I would agree that RTC has been aggressive the entire game. Either he's just really gung-ho or he's mafia.

Perun, Brig, and NP are all equally suspicious in my book - they all have incredibly strong points of view about who they believe is "definitely" mafia.

You, Cornfed, and Collin are wild cards to me - you don't post much, but when you do it's pretty short and to the point. I'm not sure why, but I have a sinking feeling about the lot of ya...

Now, your theory about Stardust: that is cause for concern. If I were Mafia and afraid that Dusty might accidentally out himself, I might want to issue a cone of silence, as well. He has been noticeably absent from posting during the last ten pages or so and that makes me highly suspicious.
I have no idea who to nominate. I sure hope we're not absolutely required to nominate someone. Also, I see my original vote for Collin is still showing, but it says votes for Mosh are reserved. The voting options keep changing, but I'm not able to re-vote again. And I'm really feeling like I can't get into this game and it's just not fun for me so if I again do decide to withdraw, that will truly be my final decision. I'm not completely sure yet though.
And I've REALLY thought about it and don't see the point in playing a game that isn't the least bit fun to me. So, I am again TRULY withdrawing and do not plan to return. Have fun everyone!
Perun before I figured out his buddy RTC - 9 posts. Perun after I figured out his buddy RTC - 7 posts. It's clear what's happening here. Panic in the Mafia! :P
Right now, I don't think attack is the best thing to do. Defense would be my preferred option, but I don't know...not attacking and just defending may also be a bad option. This is the part of the game where it becomes dangerous and you can't exactly trust anyone.

I won't nominate anyone just yet, though. Just a bit more...
And I've REALLY thought about it and don't see the point in playing a game that isn't the least bit fun to me. So, I am again TRULY withdrawing and do not plan to return. Have fun everyone!

Travis, please stick around a little while longer. You don't need to nominate anyone if you don't want to, you don't need to vote if you don't want to, but you can pick someone to heal every night. If that saves the life of a single villager, then it's a good thing.
And I've REALLY thought about it and don't see the point in playing a game that isn't the least bit fun to me. So, I am again TRULY withdrawing and do not plan to return. Have fun everyone!
Whatever. Your doctor is dead, deal with it.

There are currently 9 active players: Brigantium, Collin, Cornfed Hick, mckindog, MrKnickerbocker, Night Prowler, Perun, RTC, and Stardust.
Because there are currently 9 active players, 3 nominations required to proceed to a vote.

Nominations are as follows:

Perun: 2, from Brigantium and Collin
RTC: 1, from Night Prowler
Night Prowler: 1, from Perun
Right now, I don't think attack is the best thing to do. Defense would be my preferred option, but I don't know...not attacking and just defending may also be a bad option. This is the part of the game where it becomes dangerous and you can't exactly trust anyone.

I won't nominate anyone just yet, though. Just a bit more...

Nominate Stardust.

Here's some incentive.