Mafia: Game 1: Mafia wins!

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You do realise if I was Mafia, I would already know that, right?
You asked "in this setup", meaning you weren't sure if it was allowed in this specific game or not. Too late for you dude, I've seen you through! :P

Also just because I don't say I'm not Mafia /=/ I must be Mafia. If anything, trying to reinforce the "I'm town" mantra is pretty scummy anyhow.
You're still not denying you're Mafia = you're Mafia.

Btw. I was convinced you were Mafia from Day 1. I only jumped on Mosh's bandwagon because he was my #2 suspect and I wanted to eliminate at least one Mafioso. I was proven wrong about Mosh, so I'm going back to my #1 suspect, which is you.

Still unsure where to place my nomination, for me, it's really tight between Stardust, Collin and NP.
And I'm now a threat, hence close to nomination. EVERYONE SEES YOUR TRUE INTENTIONS, PACK IT UP FOLKS
Nice argument, boys, but is there anything the majority of us can agree on? Any common ground? Still nobody (other then NP) has paid any attention to my suggestion of Perun. I think it's worth discussing at the very least.
You asked "in this setup", meaning you weren't sure if it was allowed in this specific game or not. Too late for you dude, I've seen you through! :p

I think I would know if I was Mafia. I asked because it would help me deduce whether the scum team had constant communication or not to discover whether they could make on the fly strategies.

You're still not denying you're Mafia = you're Mafia.

No, we've already explained why that's flawed logic.

Btw. I was convinced you were Mafia from Day 1. I only jumped on Mosh's bandwagon because he was my #2 suspect and I wanted to eliminate at least one Mafioso. I was proven wrong about Mosh, so I'm going back to my #1 suspect, which is you.

Pretty much all you did Day 1 was cast an RVS vote on me, and then re-nominate me again with no explanation after RVS. How is that promoting scumhunting?

And I'm now a threat, hence close to nomination. EVERYONE SEES YOUR TRUE INTENTIONS, PACK IT UP FOLKS

If you had legitimate complaints about my play, I would understand. Instead, you're essentially making me the scapegoat me for a bandwagon that you followed, and have only now been providing any semblance of "reasoning" as to why I'm scum. It seems opportunistic, especially after Mosh flipped Town.

Collin's passive aggressive posting and Stardust's sudden inactivity after being pressured are also suspicious however, so I'm not going to direct myself to tunnelling unlike you.
*appears as a ghostly figure in the mirror*

No more ladies left in the game, other than you. I might be dead but that doesn't mean I shouldn't pay attention to detail.
Not to mention he's quite trigger-happy and seems to have an urge to kill. They don't only come out at night, it seems...
I can't help but think NP and Brigs are in the same boat. They're both Mafia, I'm dead certain. But I can't have proof before one of them is hanging.
I beg you, good people of Cosa Maidenfansa: If one of them is Mafia, both are. We can only know if we hang one, but if they turn out to be Mafia, we can hang the other. If I'm wrong, you can still hang me the next day.
I can't speak for NP, but I can assure you I'm not Mafia. :) Sorry, Perun, all your responses are reinforcing my suspicions. If you're listening, Cop, you need to ask about Perun before too long, should no-one choose to support the nomination.
If this were true, why would both Stardust and I vote NOT to lynch Mosh? One member of the Mafia might vote no to appear innocent, but certainly not two.

Still not convinced about you, Collin...
Well I think you did it to make yourself appear as town. Stardust I'm not sure about though. I voted no on Mosh because I wasn't convinced he was mafia.
I can't help but think NP and Brigs are in the same boat. They're both Mafia, I'm dead certain. But I can't have proof before one of them is hanging.
I know I'm not Mafia, and I don't think Brig is either, considering she's nominating you, who is Mafia :p

RTC and Perun are both definitely Mafia now, I'm still not sure on the third one. Pretty sure the 3rd one will reveal him/herself soon though :D