Well it looks like I'm gonna be lynched anyway.

Here's some last minute speculation before I get to see all the answers. Maybe it'll be useful later on for y'all or maybe not. Plus baseless accusations are fun.
After I'm lynched and the mafia has their next kill,
five villagers will have left the game or have been killed. Including the doctor, which means no heal. Of the remaining eight, three are mafia which leaves the village left with 5. Which means at this rate the mafia will win by the next "night".
Of the remaining players, these are the ones I'd be most suspicious of:
RTC - Has been eager to lynch right from the start. Not only was he the first to throw a nomination out there (for a villager no less), but he seems oddly suspicious of those who don't want to lynch people. He switche his focus from SMX to CFH merely for stating the valid concern that lynching someone early could put the town at a disadvantage. He then went from no suspicion of me to "90%" solely on the grounds that I too felt cautious of lynching someone on the first round after already losing one and about to lose another. I assume at least one member of the mafia is tasked with the role of riling the town up and encouraging them to lynch one of their own. Take my lynching as a learning experience and stop going after people he is suspicious of.
He's also the only member left who (at least claims to) has prior knowledge to this game. He could very well be using that to take advantage of those of us who are new. This might also have something to do with UO's murder, the other player familiar with this game.
Ariana - Quick to point fingers but has been quiet ever since. Strangely, RTC hasn't drawn attention to that, but drew attention to me being quiet. Also voted yes for Collin's lynching.
As for the others....
Night Prowler is the cop, because Barlow is a cop.
The wildcard here is Stardust who is just being Stardust. I think it'd be safest to let him live until two mafia are found. If everyone else seems innocent enough, then draw the focus to him.
Since many of us are new to this game, I think the ones asking questions about rules in public and generally following what everyone else is doing are innocent. The mafia members would be more likely to do that sort of thing privately with LC. So that eliminates Mckindog, Knick, and Collin from the equation. Would've also eliminated Travis had we not known already.