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The cars out on the main road are really going for it tonight. Fireworks going off too. Ironically, the people clapping out the back have got friends around to visit, ie they're breaking lockdown rules. A guy along the street - who, incidentally, I think actually had Covid 19 in late March/early April - is eyeballing them.
Since the coronashit really hit the fan in late March/early April, and it emerged that healthcare staff and care workers had insufficient personal protective equipment, someone came up with the idea of everyone clapping at 8pm every Thursday to show their appreciation for key workers, especially NHS staff, who were getting infected in droves to provide essential services while everyone else huddled down and hid indoors.
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And then kids started painting rainbows to show how much they love NHS workers, and stuck them in their windows. It was partly a nice thought and partly a morale boost propaganda idea because people were feeling pretty shit at that point. People also sound car horns as they pass hospitals, set off fireworks in their gardens, and kids bang pots and pans. More recently, some people have been getting pissed off with the whole thing because a) it wakes them up when they're working shifts and b) clap shaming was going on for those who didn't stand on their doorsteps and clap
Apparently it was officially the last one tonight. The person who started it thought it had run its course and was getting a bit political too.
Was also borderline irresponsible where people's doors are barely 1m apart and their kids spilled out to go and mingle with everyone else in the street.