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Born in a mining town in ‘98
When <blink> and <marquee> tags were up to date
And Blaze was still around
The Chemical Wedding was on all our minds

Awful tiled backgrounds, blinks and marquees everywhere, mouse pointer bullshittery, insane-in-the-brain text color schemes. Frames everywhere. Frame in a frame in a frame - web host footer frame, top frame split into a webring header frame and at last the content frame.

Albeit being visually awful, late 90s www was a place where you could find *right* information with more ease than today.
Personally I feel the mid 2000s www was the best point in its evolution. Sites became more usable and visually appealing, fake news was sparse, corporatism was sparse, and so on.
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What has EU ever done for us? Bunch of unelected bureaucrats

I have a glass jar I throw spare change in, but only the big coins. After a while, it grows to "a bunch of money".
20% of GDP is a galaxy-sized bunch.
I've only heard Chemical Wedding, and I liked it. Haven't revisited it, though. I really liked The Tower and the title track.