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A hornet is a wasp in the same way a man-eating tiger is a kitty.
They are quite similar though:
I once turned around only to see a hornet hovering about 30 cm away from my face. The beast was completely non-aggressive, but it's hard not to lose your shit.
Hornets are a type of wasp. What are the wasps you're fine with?

Common wasp. I just feel the sting itself. Like a light touch of a needle, no swelling or rash afterwards. Just a small dot left like a zit. I forget about it in a second but the wasp dies. Take a look at this :


The answer is bold no, so I really can't explain my case and whether wasps sting me in their final moments inside their YOLO run, or do I have some 1 in a 100 immunity cells that take care of this particular issue. I got wasp'ed four times in summer of 2016 (4 different occasions). On the leg and on the arm. This is from my perspective; I feel a light sting, and focus my sight there. I see a wasp, sitting on me in reverse U shape, the sting inside the skin. The wasp is shivering. I just shake it off. It falls off like a brick, no flight. The wasp continues to shiver wherever it fell and dies.
I'm on 1st floor and there's some flowers and juicy greens in front, for instance a big common fig tree, and naturally I'm a victim of various aerial sorties as soon as I open the window.
I've never been stung by one, but I'd say that anyone in their right might should approach a hornet with a motherfucking respect. Except for Australians, who are more or less already used to the fact most of the nature itself is out there to kill them.

Exhibit A - this spider has 6 inches...

There is a children's TV show, the name of which escapes me, that has an episode about spiders. The moral is that spiders are harmless and nothing to be afraid of. This episode is banned in Australia.
There is a children's TV show, the name of which escapes me, that has an episode about spiders. The moral is that spiders are harmless and nothing to be afraid of. This episode is banned in Australia.

I'm not surprised.

I mean, 6 INCHES! I will refrain from stating that's almost bigger than your average cock, but you know what I mean...
What? That's not near cock average. Google says between 22 and 26 inches and 11 to 16 pounds. Doesn't matter if the cock is black, white, or blue.