Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

LooseCannon said:
That's quite a young PM anyway, especially for the Conservatives.
He is quite young - but that's seems to be the norm in British politics of late. The last three leaders of the Tories (aside from Michael Howard) have all been in their 40's during their time of position as leader of the opposition. Nick Clegg (Lib Dems) is even younger and lets no forget that Blair was in his early 40's when he became PM.
Motherfucking comcast bullshit... my connection died, had to restart the PC to get it working again ... now that long list of unread topics has disappeared, since coming back the forum after the restart made the forum think they aren't "new" for me anymore ... now I have to manually dig through all the forums to find the new stuff ... fuck comcast.
I forgot to mention something:

[move]WACKEN ON THURSDAY!!![/move]


They say a friend in need is a friend in deed...
And that a friend with weed is better...
But how bout a girlfriend MADE OUT of weed...?  ;)

You'd have a much better chance of it if you could access the website more than you can.  But hey, that's how it is.

Hope everything is going well for you!