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Well at least for the time being the professional reviews are reflecting our high praises for the record.

It's got 82% on metal archives, 81.2% on prog archives and 86% on metacritic.

More than a third of reviews on prog archives are full score.
Really, 81.2% seems quite low for this record. Metacrtitic's 86% is more realistic. I wouldn't be surprised if the score improves a bit by time.
Not that it matters. It took me a few years, but I don't care about the reviews. TBOS was an 80% on Metacrtitic. That was the final straw. :D
TBOS as far as I recall dropped down from 'universal acclaim' to lower rank after a while. So we'll have to see.

On Encyclopedia Metallum it's a highest rated reunion album. The 80s go to 92% (I think Powerslave), 90s dip to 60-something, with X Factor being the highest rated. The reunion era goes to high 70s. So for metal archives I think it's a good score. IM might be on top of the panteon by tradition but the difference in music between them and today's stereotypical modern metal is huge. 8+ out of 10 under those conditions is a success.

Still early to tell, the reviews are not going to stop for a near future so scores might fluctuate.
The album is of such an undeniable quality that I see it difficult to drop from Universal Acclaim at Metascore, maybe it will sit at 82%, worst case.
Do you remember how TBOS was doing? I think it was at 81 -82% before dropping to 80.
86% is another beast though. I'm telling you, I won't be surprised if it were to go even higher by 1 -2%.

TBOS as far as I recall dropped down from 'universal acclaim' to lower rank after a while.

This is my point, 80% is too high, it should be at 40 -60% Mixed or Average Reviews, where it belongs. :D
Anyway, I think I'll check Encyclopedia Metallum, from what you said it must be the most trustworthy and relevant for this kind of music.
The sane guy gently and discretely tries to correct him by fitting "Parchment" somewhere (41:47) the other didn't get it and continues playing his violin with his Pakrement ahahah.

Incredibly foolish to constantly, repeatedly use that word (and a couple of variations), even when corrected several times.

The madness starts @ 41.10.
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