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I'm not sure if there's a surprising fact about me. I've been thinking about taking a firearms course!
It's better to know a few things about guns than not, and you best learn those while acquiring a license. You can't guarantee that there won't be a situation in which it is good to know how to disable a gun or that someone is making a mistake while shooting that allows you to get to safety, and you might want to be able to distinguish the sound of a gun shot from that of a firecracker. I'm not expecting it to ever become necessary, but having had instructions on how to handle situations is always a good thing to have in your knowledge repository.
Also, having had a Kalashnikov in your hand and fired it helps you understand what's dangerous about these weapons.
But wasn't it "or the mess you're in"?
Not sure but to me that makes less sense: it implies that either would be an acceptable outcome when the person being addressed clearly needs both (always supposing there is in fact anything wrong with their nose).

Who knows what weirdness lurks in the mind of Bruce?
Sure. But more in nations with loose gun laws and/or higher crime rate. At least... for me, having a license somehow associates with possibility of weapon possession. And I associate that possibility with... well such nations.
Not sure but to me that makes less sense: it implies that either would be an acceptable outcome when the person being addressed clearly needs both (always supposing there is in fact anything wrong with their nose).

Who knows what weirdness lurks in the mind of Bruce?

I've always been thinking the song was aimed at Motley Crue, hence thinking fixing their nose was a cocaine reference, and "or the mess your in" being a reference to Vince Neil getting a very light sentence for his drink driving manslaughter, something someone without money would likely have not received.
I'll agree that most people that fight for their right to concealed carry the loudest are definitely not people I'd ever like to see with a gun in their hands.

Perun is, however, quite unlike those people.
It's good to have the knowledge in my repository about what to do when I see someone waving a gun around. It has nothing to do with a country I live in or am visiting. I don't do these things to make a point about another country where there are policies I disagree with. There have been terrorist attacks and amok shootings all over Europe. It's better to know how to get through these situations than not to know. Even if it is highly unlikely that you are ever confronted with them.