Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Now there's a market for you right there. But you have to play your cards right, and marketing is your friend there.

But how Yax, HOW can I possibly make an awesome, epic METAL marketing stunt here? Two words. King Diamond. Yes, King Diamond is going to be your brand ambassador, obviously in full paint gear, it might involve a concept album about evil eggs, and I'm thinking an Instagram page, Youtube shoutout vids, and a series of commercials.

This is going to be YUGE.
I remember when we were gonna cover this song…
I remember everything.
I remember every little thing as if it happened only yesterday.
I was barely nineteen, and you guys all said you were going to cover “Out of the Silent Planet”.
I don’t remember if it was to be sung in the original key or lower, but I do remember that the pandemic was supposed to give everyone all the time in the world to pull off the project.
I don’t remember if it was to be sung in the original key or lower, but I do remember that it never got off the ground.
Dreams of desolation indeed.
Here's one godlike performance from Bruce. This was done 2 hours into the set.

This dude was untouchable in late 90s into the early 00s.

That's one of my absolute favourite Maiden bootlegs. The band were on fire but at the same time also quite chill, giving of a really pleasant atmosphere. Very similar to how I saw them in London in December 2006, it seems that London gigs in the holiday season give them a sort of homecoming feeling.
Had an instruction flight with various landing techniques on the Cap 10 today and have now been signed off to fly that one as pilot-in-command as well :cool: Finally I can go and fly aerobatics on my own! The only bad thing is that the only free slot on the aircraft the whole weekend was Sunday at 8 AM ... but I'll take that.
Had an instruction flight with various landing techniques on the Cap 10 today and have now been signed off to fly that one as pilot-in-command as well :cool: Finally I can go and fly aerobatics on my own! The only bad thing is that the only free slot on the aircraft the whole weekend was Sunday at 8 AM ... but I'll take that.
It would be great to see some videos of you in action!
I dont want to anger the Diesel but I just don't get Meatloaf. I've been listening to him for like an hour now and I just don't get it. :duckie: