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When it comes to Titanic, I think knowing the beats of the ending enhances the story. You can feel excited for Rose without feeling worried that she survives or not. The other characters take on greater questions. It works very, very well, and Cameron understood that intrinsically. By experiencing the entire journey with Rose safe as an anchor, you can invest greater in others.

I think Avatar's easily predictable plot serves the same thing. You know almost right away how it's going to go, and well, you're right. For some people that is very fulfilling. Add in the spectacle of a very good technical achievement?

For reference, I'm in the Perun camp. I saw it in theatres and I have no intention of seeing 2, 3, 4 or ever watching the movie again. It is a non-entity. Titanic I can watch every few years happily.
When it comes to Titanic, I think knowing the beats of the ending enhances the story. You can feel excited for Rose without feeling worried that she survives or not. The other characters take on greater questions. It works very, very well, and Cameron understood that intrinsically. By experiencing the entire journey with Rose safe as an anchor, you can invest greater in others.
Yep. Here's what happens, now let's find out how it happened. Filling in the details.
Not a fan of Titanic at all. As pure entertainment it's okay, but I find it over-glossy and unrealistic for a depiction of history, and assigns very modern attitudes and sentiments to some of the characters.
assigns very modern attitudes and sentiments to some of the characters.
Yes but that's deliberate. Jack and Rose are deliberately anachronistic because they are our window into the story - they ask the questions we want to ask. (Questions which were actually asked at the time too ...) I don't know if it's an unrealistic portrayal of history because as far as I could see all the historical characters were very well drawn. Of course he had to make some judgement calls because as he himself put it "people have reasons for remembering things a certain way" and consequently a fair amount of the eye witness testimony was contradictory. But on the whole my impression was he tried very hard to be fair.
assigns very modern attitudes and sentiments to some of the characters.

I'm not so sure about this, although I'd be interested in hearing which ones you mean in particular.
Thing is, 1912 isn't all that long ago. There were a lot of progressive sentiments around that seem astonishingly modern in the present day. Whether they would have been concentrated on one ship the way the film shows is of course another question.
Honestly, a perfect recreation of the Titanic and her fatal journey would be likely quite boring for anyone except hardcore Titanic nerds (they do exist). But the movie isn't really supposed to be, it's absolutely anachronistic and it's absolutely an amalgam of the way James Cameron wants you to feel so you'll see the movie 10 times in theatres.

Like I said, the guy's a genius. Good Canadian kid.
Rally knobhead rams the guy out of his lane in the middle of the city, then runs away from the police, so he wouldn't miss the race.

Casual assault on a police officer at 1 minute mark.
A series on youtube I really recommend is The Psycho Series from a user name McJuggernuggets. It's a very long watch since there are 655 videos total ranging from 3 minutes to at least an hour each and there are some where nothing much happens, but it's still worth watching every minute so you can really get to know everyone. You may have seen a video from it where a kid's dad destroys his video games with a riding lawn mower, but as you can see from how long it is, there is much more than that.

The Complete Psycho Series
I just saw that the Academy Awards were last night. Is that even still a thing?
It is, and hilariously so. They rearranged the usual schedule so they could do Best Actor last and honour Chadwick Boseman, but apparently a bunch of people lied to the central committee about who they had voted for and said they voted for Chadwick but actually picked Anthony Hopkins. So when Hopkins was announced as the winner, he wasn't even there. Since he had also heard Chadwick was supposed to win, he had logged off of the virtual event and gone to bed.

Huge self-own.
After two aerobatics flights in two days, I have now scheduled a third - this one will be with the chief instructor! I was warned by my main instructor that he is very picky and that it is not unusual having to fly two trips with him, so it's not a given that I'll secure my rating tomorrow. But it's getting close!