Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

We run probably the most popular global advertising network to pay the overheads of operating the site. I'm not super happy about them running political ads, whatever direction but ultimately as far as I know that ad network will run ads for either party, there's no bias involved. We don't choose the ads that run here and they're highly personalised to individual user's geography and things you've searched for or visited.

While I understand the benefits of running an ad blocker and I'm not for or against it - if everyone did it would make it a lot tougher to justify the ongoing costs (forum software licencing, hosting, time) of keeping things going.

AFAIK our ad provider will let you click on an ad and tell them you didn't like it and not to show ads like that in the future (since this provider's ads are really common, that's probably a useful tip) - so if you're seeing something you don't want to - I'd suggest doing that and they'll stop showing it to you!
Jon, I think Lampwick was making a joke. It is always great to see you posting here though!
Jon, I think Lampwick was making a joke. It is always great to see you posting here though!

I did pick the humour up :) but given that I'd not really considered we could be running political ads here at a pretty charged time I thought it'd be worth letting people know how to avoid seeing it if it's not something they want to see when enjoying some time on the forums.
I did pick the humour up :) but given that I'd not really considered we could be running political ads here at a pretty charged time I thought it'd be worth letting people know how to avoid seeing it if it's not something they want to see when enjoying some time on the forums.
Now that we have your attention, I must ask. Have you been fortunate enough to see the mighty Maiden live? If so, which tours?
I did pick the humour up :) but given that I'd not really considered we could be running political ads here at a pretty charged time I thought it'd be worth letting people know how to avoid seeing it if it's not something they want to see when enjoying some time on the forums.
They pay you to show the ads, you show them and so get paid, we ingore them, the site keeps running. Everyone's happy :D
While I understand the benefits of running an ad blocker and I'm not for or against it - if everyone did it would make it a lot tougher to justify the ongoing costs (forum software licencing, hosting, time) of keeping things going.
I click a few ads a month, intentionally. And I *never* click ads, but this is my home, you know?

That said, I'd like a direct support option that lets me turn off the ads.
I'm seeing a lot of pro-Trump ads on Maidenfans. I always knew you all were secretly hardcore Trump loving conservatives!
You missed a couple:
I was also getting a few “I’m Joe Biden and I forgot this message” ones, which were admittedly pretty funny.

I don’t see how this kind of crap is going to appeal to any undecideds or soft Biden voters — it’s just red meat for people who are already going to vote for Trump. Seems like a waste of money.
Haven't seen the Kamala Harris one yet, but I've seen the other two. I haven't seen any pro-Biden or anti-trump ads here either.

I agree in that I really don't see the point in these ads, they certainly are having the opposite effect. If anything I'll be even MORE likely to vote against Trump for interfering with my MaidenFans browsing!
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I bought a bottle of local Ontario Shiraz to make fruit fly traps with, and I had a drink (not of the stuff doctored to be a trap) and went, not bad for $16 for a 1.5 L.

I am now halfway through the bottle. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
the fired is...well, bad for the person, but sometimes can be good for the whole.
Seeing from the boss perspective maybe. But people aren't robots you know.
It's hard to function normal when someone you've worked with for 9 years has got to leave.
But time will tell...
I'm glad for you, Saap. :)
Unfortunately mine was quite the opposite. Emotional rollercoaster at work: 1 retirement and 1 got fired.
My week was sadly more like MindRuler's. I had a lot of work to do but not a lot of time, and some studies on my freetime, which was a bit tough. Then found out my job won't continue after next February. Fortunately the weekend was better, and I even had a bit of time and energy to write stories, which is always good. :)

This is really bad. Singing the chorus to Tears of the Dragon with some wierd light head voice or something (He claims he's belting. Shittiest belting I've ever heard in that case). This guy studied with the same vocal coach Geoff Tate did. It's safe to say who was the more gifted student.