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I think the "correct" answer in an interview would be "If I'm listening to music at work I prefer to keep the volume low so that I don't disturb my colleagues. If anyone can hear music coming from my headphones then they should ask my to turn it down and I will be happy to oblige!"

"But in case they do hear something, it would either be splattergrind, brutal death metal or stenchcore, I don't let one sound define me."
Interviewer: So what type of music should we expect to hear from your headphones at work?

My inner thoughts: GOD HATES US ALL GOD HATES US ALL!!!!!

My reaction:

What I said: the radio
You actually got asked that at an interview?
Oh okay. Either they actually want to know more about you as a person or they're religious fundamentalists who think you look like someone who would listen to glass-gargling church burning devil worship music.
Meanwhile the Burzum album, shockingly, is the first black metal album I’ve heard that makes any kind of sense to me. I’m not sure that I can say I fully enjoyed listening to Filosofem, but I can say that I respected it.
Thank you for your open-mindedness, Jer.
May I suggest this?
Vocals are not typically BM, so they shouldn't annoy you; also, since - in my opinion of course - they are actually remarkable*, you might even like it, who knows?
*Most of them at least, there are two singers on this album, and one of them is, well, much better.
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Thank you for your open-mindedness, Jer.
May I suggest this?
Thanks, I’ll give it a listen when I have some time. But don’t get your hopes up that I’ll blossom into a black metal fan — I really don’t see that happening. LOL.
So, the Swedish police have concluded that the so called "Skandia man" was behind the murder of prime minister Olof Palme in 1986. This guy was indeed at the scene, he was interviewed as a witness back then (although not thoroughly, as I understand from today's press covfefe coverage, and has been mentioned as a possible suspect before.

What do our resident Swedes think of this? Will the Palme case now finally be put to rest?

@Yax @Natalie @Maturin Others?

Btw, funny that the one representing the police in this concluding phase of the case is named Krister Petersson, considering the one initially suspected for the murder was named Christer Petterson ...
So, the Swedish police have concluded that the so called "Skandia man" was behind the murder of prime minister Olof Palme in 1986. This guy was indeed at the scene, he was interviewed as a witness back then (although not thoroughly, as I understand from today's press covfefe coverage, and has been mentioned as a possible suspect before.

What do our resident Swedes think of this? Will the Palme case now finally be put to rest?

@Yax @Natalie @Maturin Others?

Btw, funny that the one representing the police in this concluding phase of the case is named Krister Petersson, considering the one initially suspected for the murder was named Christer Petterson ...
Obama clearly organized this with the Chinese.
So, the Swedish police have concluded that the so called "Skandia man" was behind the murder of prime minister Olof Palme in 1986. This guy was indeed at the scene, he was interviewed as a witness back then (although not thoroughly, as I understand from today's press covfefe coverage, and has been mentioned as a possible suspect before.

What do our resident Swedes think of this? Will the Palme case now finally be put to rest?

@Yax @Natalie @Maturin Others?

Btw, funny that the one representing the police in this concluding phase of the case is named Krister Petersson, considering the one initially suspected for the murder was named Christer Petterson ...
The press conference itself was bizarre. It was quite lacking (not to mention their complete absence communication skills - Jesus!). I don't get why they just didn't drop the investigation rather than pinpoint the guy that they had deduced (by ruling out the other suggested culprits while not being able to write Engström off) supposedly did it. There is no technical evidence whatsoever and the suspect is dead. They should've just buried it, but I guess closure was needed and this is how they chose to approach it. They said they could not rule out a larger conspiracy which means this murder will never be perceived as solved, even if he was the shooter.

While I do agree that he is the most credible of all the investigated leads, and there are circumstances that suggest him being the culprit, there is simply not nearly enough to have him convicted. This is, even with some competition, the worst conducted hihg profile criminal investigation in the history of Sweden. They didn't even initially seal of the scene of the crime...
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