Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I signed up to the Sofia website to see what it actually is and found all these dating profiles, mostly of mature women. They all have short descriptions on their profile that seem to be based on the same template, similar use of words etc. The hobbies/interests section seems to be randomly generated because some of the stuff on there just doesn’t add up, for example “my biggest flaw: nanotechnology”. I found a Sofia and messaged her that an ad brought me to her. No reply. I wrote simply “good morning” to somebody else and got an answer like “hello hello :) who are you, cutie?” Like any woman would write that to an empty profile with a bot-like username. I replied “you’re the cutie here” and she replied with “good morning to you too. Who are you? :) do you like me a lot?” And every time you want to send a message, you have to get coins by doing some bullshit steps or buy a VIP account, so I can’t reply anymore. In conclusion, it’s a site full of fake profiles and some fat guy on a computer is answering me, right?

I'm very surprised that you expected it to be any different. You're Gen Z, should be more familiar with internet garbage.
Makes more sense but the replies seemed humanoid. Had I been able to reply more, I would’ve known for sure if it’s a bot.

Social bots have become very sophisticated over the last few years. If you don't know exactly what telltale signs to look for, you wouldn't be able to spot them on websites like these.
Social bots have become very sophisticated over the last few years. If you don't know exactly what telltale signs to look for, you wouldn't be able to spot them on websites like these.
Yes, you'd never be able tell, except they all have the surname 'Juriya'.
Alerted by the sound of bees buzzing one morning I snapped a picture of this rather striking tree in the hope of discovering its identity:
Apparently it goes by the name "Crimson Bottlebrush". How very poetic ... :confused:
... and yet, at the same time, oddly descriptively accurate ::)
I have a job interview today that I forgot to cancel. I was recommended by someone and now I can't back out of it even though I already have a job. Luckily, I can squeeze it in during lunch break. And then if by some miracle they wanna hire me, I can just say I received a better offer.
Unless they make you a better offer.