What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine too
That's a good one. My favorite has to be USA presidents though.I haven't been on Sporcle for ages. African countries was my favourite.
That's a good one. My favorite has to be USA presidents though.I haven't been on Sporcle for ages. African countries was my favourite.
It takes me only 3 minutes and 6 seconds to name every USA state. Try to beat me!
Vermont is a difficult one indeed.I was on steady course for a similar time, but an iron curtain lowered itself between me and bloody Vermont. It also took me some time to realise I hadn't typed in Michigan and Massachusetts.
Duh. He's obviously there to explore the roots of American thrash metal.What are your plans?
It takes me only 3 minutes and 6 seconds to name every USA state. Try to beat me!
It takes me only 3 minutes and 6 seconds to name every USA state. Try to beat me!
Has happened.I think people tend to mix up New Hampshire and Vermont
Yup, this one's a pain.2:09
I suggest you level up - this is an effin' nightmare, even if you know where the states are.
I got all except the one in Spoiler.Try this.
'A'-Less European Countries
Can you name the countries of Europe without the letter 'A'?
I think one of the answers is actually wrong. Explanation in spoilers.
The quiz gives United Kingdom as an answer. The official name of the country is United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, so plenty of A.
What about US presidents? Mostly useless knowledge, I know, but I've always found all kinds of rulers fascinating.
I've been studying these pretty hard and I can happily confirm that I can name them all in the chronological order. Again, this is an easier variation because it shows the years for each president.
It takes me only 3 minutes and 6 seconds to name every USA state. Try to beat me!
I suggest you level up - this is an effin' nightmare, even if you know where the states are.