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On an episode of The Honeymooners, Ralph told Alice they could get the best doctors and experts in the world to examine his head and if they did, they would find nothing in there.
Getting ready to book shows next year. Battle Beast is coming back to Ottawa, which is super duper dope. HammerFall in Montreal with Beast in Black, gotta go to that. Found out Epica is playing a one-off in Montreal on January 3rd on their way to 70,000 Tons of Metal.
So this is pretty interesting. The biggest selling music artists year for year from 1969 - today. I'm sure there might be some factual errors though. Also interesting to see the musical trends and bands come and go...

So this is pretty interesting. The biggest selling music artists year for year from 1969 - today. I'm sure there might be some factual errors though. Also interesting to see the musical trends and bands come and go...

Saw this on a friend's Facebook the other day, was just contemplating on posting it here. Pretty cool.