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Is autotune going too far in chart music? I say chart music because I'm thinking of the sort of stuff that's not really in the vein of proper catchy pop or dance music, it's more like fashionable background noise for posing to. A soundtrack to being cool sort of thing. Someone across the road is currently listening to music with vocals that are so indistinct that they don't actually sound like any lyrics are being sung, it's just a synthetic sounding vocal melody. Will it all sound horribly dated in about 10 years time?
Collin's bad advice of the day: Have some booze beforehand.
I wish. In all seriousness, it wasn't too bad. Girlfriend wasn't too stressed out and it was a nice meal and conversation.

Officially graduated from university today. Had my graduation ceremony, spent my last day at the campus.

I wasn't emotional until some two hours after I got back home. Nostalgia took its time to kick in, but when it kicked in, it was strong.
Congrats Flash