Cat Milk Supreme
Ancient Mariner
Needs must, sometimes
I was preparing a VAT return at work and I found an invoice dated December that hadn't been paid until March, but the payment terms were "strictly 7 days". "Blimey" I thought, "they'll really be in the poo over that one. At least if they want to use that supplier ever again. "
Then I noticed that the invoice they had paid 3 months late was for emptying the septic tank ...![]()
My friend convinced me to come over to her house under the pretext of pizza and alcohol. There was no pizza and the alcohol consisted of a can of Dark Fruits and half a glass of Budweiser and Echo Falls![]()
So... what happened next?
This is some next level Jeremy Kyle shit.It did involve my tipsy ex trying to seduce me and saying she still loved me whilst engaged to my friend however![]()
Cool.backs (they're both girls for reference,
Don't bother. Just let them play it out and they'll eventually realise their mistake.I'm gonna be more stern and try and get them to call it off
Maybe if there was a Missed Opportunities thread...
Everyone involved is like 18. I remember being 18. You're finally legally an adult and quite sure you know how it's done. Just let them make their own life mistakes. It's easier for all involved that way.Honestly, they're engaged after like 2 weeks of being together and a year of being briefly on and off behind everyone's backs (they're both girls for reference, one of them being my ex). They slightly slag each other off to me behind each others backs and both have told me they have tried issues, as well as my ex saying that to me. Neither of them are intelligent whatsoever, so when I've quized them if they actually understand the legal implications of marriage they're completely clueless.
They understand nothing of what they're doing. I'm meeting them again today but I'm gonna be more stern and try and get them to call it off.
Everyone involved is like 18. I remember being 18. You're finally legally an adult and quite sure you know how it's done. Just let them make their own life mistakes. It's easier for all involved that way.
Besides, when it comes to relationships, I have a firm 'you can only tell them once policy". You share your concerns once, then you let nature take it's own course. (This does not apply to relationships where actual abuse happens)
Is there a missing punctuation mark or word?The other girl is 16, and just turned
This is very obvious. If they were, they would be concerned with education and personal growth prospects, not marriage.Neither of them are intelligent whatsoever.
Is there a missing punctuation mark or word?
16 and 18 isn't that uncommon. Still full of stupidity.