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A member of the Norwegian parliament has been caught claiming travel expenses for travels she never made, or for private travels. At least 60 000 NOK over the last year. She blames complicated regulations.

I wonder who made those regulations in the first place ... ::)
A few years ago lots of British MPs were revealed to have abused parliament's expenses system. Some MPs were claiming expenses on things like mortgages and house renovations, while others claimed for extravagant things like having their moat cleaned. :D
The worst part is, two other MPs have already been caught out doing this stuff over the last couple of years. One on a serious enough level to face a criminal court.

Those you mention would probably be in need of a deep, water-filled moat complete with alligators after their wrongdoings became public, no?
A few years ago lots of British MPs were revealed to have abused parliament's expenses system. Some MPs were claiming expenses on things like mortgages and house renovations, while others claimed for extravagant things like having their moat cleaned. :D
As soon as the moat was mentioned I knew who it would be, because I know where he lives ... :devil2:

Actually I thought the floating duck house was the real high point:

On a more serious note, I think a couple of them did actually go to prison, having completely fabricated expenses they hadn't incurred.
I looked up what my local MP at the time had used expenses for and it turns out he'd just been buying stationary. It was only a couple of quid on pencils and stuff though which could easily be paid for out of his own pocket.