Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I've spent pretty much all day in a state of complete shock. This kind of stuff isn't at all common around here.

It happened at around 9:30 AM. I've learned about it about 2 hours later. It's 8 PM right now, and I'm still thinking about it. Eight people were killed, five of which were high school students. Apparently, part of it was influenced by (and even played out like) Columbine.
"Do you know what it is about Lister that really makes me want to puke?
That really makes me want to stab him in both eyes with an icepick?
Everything, that's what.
Especially his godawful chirpy gerbil-faced optimism."

Such gold .. I have to find time and rewatch the Dwarf soon, if possible.

Given her reaction to Hallowed was posted four times, thought some of you might find this one interesting. She's much more complimentary of his performance than I would've been.

To clarify that last part:

I really like the studio version of this song, and JLB's performance. It's very clean and effortless, less "whine" than some of his later performances - though I understand he had surgery, so can't criticize too much. The song itself isn't the heaviest, so his vocals work very well with it. Here though... the instruments are heavier than the studio version, so JLB tries to compensate by making his vocals more growly. Couple that with his being short of breath from the physical performance, it makes him sound like he's struggling.
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I'm just finishing Distance Over Time and it's the same as every other DT album. Kinda boring. Sorry, it's probably me, not Dream Theater.
I can understand not liking DT, but I can't understand thinking Awake and Distance Over Time suffer from the same problems. They are so different, style-wise and quality-wise.
I can understand not liking DT, but I can't understand thinking Awake and Distance Over Time suffer from the same problems. They are so different, style-wise and quality-wise.
They are indeed different in many styles. But they're still just kinda boring and bland to me.