Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Please don't talk about Dream Theater in the 1,000,000 replies thread and stick to getting 1,000,000 replies to this post.
I think you were meant to say duck...

Unpopular opinion: Potatoes are terrible.
You don't like fries? Or chips as our Englishmen call them..
No; to clarify, I love what can be made out of potatoes (fries, chips, au gratin, etc etc), but potatoes themselves - boiled or baked (though the latter is better than the former) etc - are one of my least favorite foods.
Those are good. Cut them in half and boil them for 5 minutes and then drain. Then fry them in butter and herbs. That's an orgasm right there.
Raw carrots are great. Cook them and you’ll understand why I question ending it all right there at the dinner table.

But the worst creation in culinary history is undoubtedly potatoes, carrots, garlic, and butter. You take two bleh things and somehow manage to make them worse.