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I completed my hour long walk into work through the snow. Bloody hell. Nice view out of my office window though.

Rewarded myself with a pain au chocolat and croissant. Now I'm on the Weetabix.
Yes, pretty well. After doing it for a week, my legs feel a little stronger for sure, but a couple days rest will help.
I used to have fun with guitar hero, but when I can play Number of the Beast start to finish flawlessly on a real guitar and can't on the game it's infuriating. Never tried Rock Band though..
I can only play Rock Band on drums on the hardest setting because it actually resembles playing the real drum parts. As a guitarist, the guitar is infuriating.

Not played the drums, but Guitar Hero lost its appeal once I started playing guitar for real too. I remember trying to play Heart's "Barracuda" and getting so annoyed that the gallops weren't actually gallops in the game. :lol:
Back in Oslo, where it is snowing and the forecast says it will continue until tomorrow evening. Sunday will be great for skiing!

In Stavanger, where I was yesterday and today, there is very little snow. They might get some next week.
Well, it's four flights at 20 stairs per flight, done between 2-5 times a day.

Probably at work, cause that's the same situation I had :) The elevator was there but it was painfully slow and had priority floors so it would just skip entrance level if that yuppie asshole from his penthouse-level office wanted to get down to garage and up again. We were up on 5th floor and truthfully if you wanted to catch a meeting in time there's no knowing what that shitty elevator was up to.
Yea I picked that up before. If you manage to get real kilos down that way then it's great, tho I would really prefer something that isn't knee intensive. I guess once winter's gone there'll be plenty of options for that.
Yeah, it's that age old; burn more calories than you consume. And people are often surprised at how many calories are actually in the food they eat.