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I went 5 months without a trip last year. Long hair sounded like a good idea but started driving me insane. What you having done?
My dad actually suggested me to grow my hair. The longer it grew, the more hair I lost, which was annoying as hell. I thought it would grow fast but after 18 months it's the same length as Bruce's now. And it looks really messy, doesn't really work with my numerous hair swirls.
Thought kilu is an anchovy but sprat is a smaller anchovy anyway. The salted raw anchovy is a local specialty.
The salting evidently takes care of that. You neatly line everything up in a container, salt covering all empty space between fishes and surrounding every one of it, like you'd do with bricks and mortar. Then you hard press it with weight from above so there's no air gap, compressing fish in salt, and then you come back to it every couple of days to take care of juices coming out. The process is about 3 weeks.

Edit : the hard part, the trick is in the lining up of the fish layers, to make sure the unwanted fluids really drained off and didn't end up suspended somewhere. The pattern is where grandmas recipes are going to vary.